Check out all the latest in PPC industry updates and find out how they could impact your paid performance here

17 October 2024

The Launch Of Google AI Overview Ads

Announced at Google Marketing Live back in May 2024, the new AI Overview ad format has begun rolling out across mobile devices in the US.

Where now upon searching a question on Google an AI curated answer sits at the top of the results page, in the US ads which relate to the search are now included in these search overviews.

An example given by Google to reporters at a demonstration was searching “how do I get a grass stain out of jeans?”. Subsequently the AI Overview result gave the user instructions on how to remove the stain followed by ads for Tide & OxiClean laundry products, displayed like a shopping ad carousel.

This update has the opportunity to improve performance as seemingly intent is behind the search. Although, Google has informed that there won’t be any separate reporting tools for ads appearing in the AI Overview.

As an advertiser, there is no action required. Existing AI-powered Search ads, Shopping and Performance Max campaigns will automatically auction for a position, and there is no option to back out.

The implementation of Google AI Overview Ads has the potential for ads to be placed at the top of the page, providing the best visibility. However, ads not shown in the search overview may be pushed lower down the page, reducing visibility and potentially limiting return on investment.

The challenge of this update lies in ensuring that ads appear in the most valuable space for optimal results.

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20 September 2024

4 New Performance Max Updates

Designed to leverage machine learning and automation in Google ads, Performance Max Campaigns are coming up to their third anniversary and Google have just announced some new updates with the aim to boost creative optimisation and campaign performance.

  • Creative Reporting. Soon advertisers will be able to enhance creative asset performance through specific conversion metrics. Ad copy and assets quality are key in maximising Performance Max effectiveness, therefore gaining these insights will be crucial in improving campaign performance & testing.
  • Streamlined Performance Insights. Where insights, recommendations and explanations were previously scattered across various sections this update creates one dashboard to view them all. Seemingly increasing efficiency in finding the information by centralising everything in one place.
  • Target Pacing Insights. With the potential to be a great time saving update, this new insight provides advertisers the ability to track where campaigns are pacing at meeting target ROAS & CPA. Allowing advertisers to see where accounts are underperforming, helping optimise performance with greater efficiency.
  • Impression Share Reporting. Providing visibility into how your competitors’ ads are showing will be invaluable in search & shopping campaigns performance through this update.

With some updates already live and others rolling out by the end of the month, these new Performance Max tools are extremely valuable to advertisers in improving ad potential through optimisation opportunities.

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19 August 2024

Google Ads Removes the Audience Insights Tab

The Google Ads Insights tab which provides automation of audience recommendations has been removed. Where previously Google would assist advertisers with targeting, this update requires users to manually identify and select audience segments. This will likely impact the general day-to-day for many advertisers, as it will necessitate a bit more effort into finding value within a Google Ads account.

Although Google hasn’t given any insight into why the update has happened, we can make two assumptions.

They may be announcing a new version of the feature in the coming weeks or months. Historically, removals have been made of popular features and then relaunched in future updates.

Alternatively an explanation could be a common business decision driver; to increase profits. Increasing manual effort in audience insights will require advertisers to use other tools and data sources to accurately identify audiences. This then also means that advertisers can’t rely on automation and may need to expand their knowledge and understanding to ensure accurate decisions are made. Therefore providing Google with more money making opportunities as advertisers learn how to target accurately. In the meantime, users are likely to make less accurate decisions in targeting thus meaning more users are targeted and larger budgets are required subsequently leading Google to profit.

To protect yourself from this update ensure to dedicate some time to familiarising yourself with who you want to identify in your audience segments and how to select these manually.

This is an interesting update in the world of machine learning where generally developments are making a shift towards automation and the use of big data. Is this a step backwards or is Google helping advertisers in their targeting effectiveness?

Read more at Search Engine Land
26 June 2024

Google Ads Rolls Out a Useful AI Update for Brand Keyword Matching

Keyword Match Types and the logic that goes into matching them to Search Terms has been evolving and changing for years. The saying goes “Exact Match is no longer Exact”, with Google continuously trending toward less precise targeting, instead leaning on machine learning to widen the scope of keyword targeting to include longtail and new search terms that can’t be predicted.

The latest announcement from Google includes 4 key changes that will have PPC advertisers changing the way they work with their brand and the unique search terms in that sphere.

  1. Mispelled search terms are becoming easier to manage! If you’ve ever struggled to add negatives of all the potential mispells of a brand term, this AI-driven update means advertisers need only add the core brand term. AI will ensure that mispells are included.
  2. Brand Exclusions across ALL keywords and DSA campaigns are rolling out, expanding the Performance Max feature to core campaign types.
  3. Additional suggestions for Brand keywords and search terms, which turns a Broad Match keyword into a wider brand “sphere” targeting-signal, allowing for “Brand Generic” keywords to filter through more often.
  4. Previously un-trackable “Other” search terms will now start showing, giving advertisers more direct control over targeting and exclusions – this last one allows PPCers to “rein in” the expanded targeting that the expansion caters to.

All of this trends towards more consolidation in Google Ads campaign structure, encouraging less fragmentation between Brand and Non-Brand campaigns, joining them up to act as a “Messy Middle Search Campaign”.


10 May 2024

Google Adds “Conversion Annotations” to Shopping Placements

In a world of GA4s, Consent Modes and Enhanced Conversions, we’re always grateful to see a simple, sensical update from Google, and happy days – a new one has just rolled out.

“Conversion Annotations” allow advertisers to give Social Proofing labels to products based on the specific product popularity.

For example, in PLAs you’ll start seeing things like

  • “best selling”
  • “1k shopped here recently”
  • “100+ shopped in the past month”

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The good news is this is a simple setup (IF you already have conversion tracking setup in your Google Merchant Center settings) – check out Google’s instructions in our link below.

This update is bound to increase CTR and Conversion Rate for advertisers. We’re keen on seeing what it’ll do for our own clients.

Read more on Google's Support hub
29 April 2024

Google Adds ANOTHER 5 New AI Features To Performance Max – April 2024

Following on from the Generative AI image generation and expansion on “auto assets”, Google has announced new AI features (some of which are only accessible via select beta-testing) to Performance Max campaigns. These updates are:

  1. Customer value mode: In beta, meant to help advertisers who use conversion goals to reach high-value customers – this is similar to leveraging conversion value on lead gen campaigns to use ROAS-based bidding
  2. Customer retention goal: This one is also in beta, designed to win back lost customers – how effective this will be remains to be seen, but it does sound quite exciting doesn’t it?
  3. Detailed demographics: Audience insights are now available for pmax for age and gender data – at last!
  4. Budget pacing insights: see real-time tracking, current and projected spend and forecast conversion performance – somewhat similar to Performance Planner, but with more active insight
  5. Account-level IP address exclusions: Pmax can now exclude specific IP addresses – this is very “use case” but could be useful depending on your specific circumstance rather than an account-level exclusion, this can now be limited to specific Pmax campaigns.

If you want to trial these Beta tests for yourself, speak with your Google account team.

16 April 2024

Google Demand Gen Gets Generative Imagery Tools – April 2024

Google have announced that the new AI-powered Generative Imagery tools will soon be available to advertisers running Demand Gen campaigns.

While this is a sensical (and completely expected) update from Google, having previously brought Generative tools to Performance Max, a particularly interesting note in this update was the addition of a “Generate More Like This” feature, wherein advertisers can generate imagery similar to their best-performing assets.

(source: blog.google)

While Generative AI is currently in its infancy for Google Ads, we’re keen to see what this new feature will produce, and of course, how the assets will perform.

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11 April 2024

Google Tests ‘People Also Consider’ On Google Ads – April 2024

Google have been known to “secretly” A/B test UX and UI updates to SERPs in the past, but this new announcement from Google hints that it could be a permanent change, rather than a cloak-and-dagger test… In a nutshell, products in e-commerce and Shopping network campaigns will soon be eligible to show their competitor’s products too.

Just as e-commerce websites will suggest “You May Also Like” products to users, Google will begin testing “People Also Consider” product placements embedded within a Shopping ad placement.

This new update from Google could be controversial, as its unclear how much additional visibility could be gained on competitor products, and poses a risk that advertisers could be paying to drive purchases to competitor websites, instead of their own.

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21 March 2024

GA4 “Key Event” Update Initially Perplexes Advertisers – March 2024

Google announced a push for “greater consistency” with Google Ads, with an impending GA4 update that replaces ‘conversions’ with ‘key events’.

Most advertisers and GA4 users are used to using the same terminology as Google Ads (“conversion”), making the insistence from Kamal Janardhan, Google’s Senior Director of Product Management, that this is an “improved, more unified experience” a bit confusing.

How this will impact advertisers predominantly using GA4 goal tracking remains to be seen, but in the meantime, this could be a key step in differentiating Analytics and Ad platforms more definitively for the industry: Google Ads is a platform for performance and optimisation (conversion), whereas Analytics is arguably for reporting and measuring user behaviour (key events).

A minor difference, but an important one to keep in mind.

Read more on Google's blog announcement
12 March 2024

Microsoft Ads Introduces Insights Navigator – March 2024

Microsoft announced the launch of Insights Navigator, a new tool designed to streamline access to data and performance insights.

This AI-powered tool provides users with quick access to category and query insights, offering valuable information on user search patterns across the Microsoft ad network as well as behavioural trends.

Additionally, automatic data reports can be delivered directly to your inbox within minutes, allowing you to stay updated on relevant trends that may impact your account’s performance (positively or negatively).

With Insights Navigator, you can make swift, data-driven strategy adjustments that align with current consumer behaviour and trends, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

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5 March 2024

Microsoft Ads Launches Performance Max Globally – March 2024

Microsoft has been gradually launching their answer to Google’s “Performance Max” (named, funnily enough “Microsoft Ads Performance Max”), and now Microsoft have announced that this premier campaign type is now available to users globally as of today.

Similarly to Google’s own offering, Microsoft Ads Performance Max aims to target users across Bing’s own “messy middle”, and give advertisers a simple workflow for getting e-commerce campaigns off the ground.

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This has been a long time coming from Microsoft, following Google’s path after a couple of years, but brings a whole new way to approach microsoft ads and reaching new traffic.

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3 March 2024

Consent Mode v2 & Enhanced Conversions Presents both a Risk & Opportunity – March 2024

This month, advertisers across the UK & Europe will begin navigating the minefield that the mandatory Consent Mode v2 update presents.

In a bid to strengthen compliance with data privacy laws, Consent Mode v2 requires advertisers to be more strict on their cookie policies, giving users a heightened ability to disregard cookies.

This poses a massive risk to all advertisers regardless of their preferred ad network, but Google Ads especially relies on cookie data in order to bid and optimise profitably.

The good news is that this will motivate users to migrate fully to gtag tracking – a long-standing best practice for goal tracking, and a method that Google continuously recommends for accuracy and optimisation. The other opportunity for advertisers is utilising Enhanced Conversions – an advanced user-tracking datalayer that improves Google Ads attribution and reveals “true” insight into how important assisted conversions are.

This update will undoubtedly cause a headache for advertisers as they implement and troubleshoot Consent Mode v2, but a strong focus on gtag and Enhanced Conversions will help mitigate the impacts on tracked revenue.

Read more on Google's Support hub
22 February 2024

Gemini AI Model Integration into Performance Max – February 2024

In November, Google introduced generated AI asset functionality into Performance Max, and it looks like even more complex asset generation tools are rolling out soon – globally!

Gemini (previously known as “Bard”), will be integrated into text assets, to give advertisers more capability to properly build out their headlines and descriptions.

google gemini florist arrangement

Google are also upgrading its image asset generation models to Imagen2, allowing advertisers to scale their creatives even further. Image editing via Imagen2 is currently only being rolled out within the US, but is expected to roll out globally within the next few months.

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18 January 2024

Consent Mode V2 – The New Requirements for Personalised Ads Across Europe – January 2024

Google will be enforcing new requirements for Google Ads throughout Europe in March, and advertisers will be required to adopt consent mode V2 to continue to show personalised or remarketing ads.

This fast rollout and deadline is due to the large legislative push regarding user consent & privacy across search engine networks.

Advertisers will need to urgently prioritise their consent & google tag manager scope, otherwise risk losing critical advertising capabilities including accurate tracking, reporting – and vitally – leveraging the strength of automated bidding, which relies on plentiful and accurate user data.

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14 December 2023

Google Readies Itself To Phase Out Third-Party Cookies Across Chrome – December 2023

Google has begun its plans to restrict third-party cookies by default, rolling out on January 1st to 1% of Chrome users globally.

This is the start to retire third-party cookies entirely in the latter half of 2024 as part of their Privacy Sandbox initiative to safeguard online privacy and limit cross-site data tracking.

1percent blog header

Advertisers will need to ensure they have up-to-date solutions in order to continue to accurately track and not miss out on any points throughout the customer journey.

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12 December 2023

YouTube Shorts Are Now Available in Video Reach Campaigns – December 2023

As consumers engage more with YouTube Shorts on their mobiles and begin watching more online content via their TV’s – YouTube has become a prime landscape for brands to connect with their target audience.

Video Reach campaigns now offers reaching users by scaling video creative to in-feed and YouTube shorts in Google Ads.

This new development will allow advertisers to uplift their brand awareness across high-engagement networks.

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6 December 2023

Google Introduces Gemini: Its Largest & Most Capable AI Model Yet – December 2023

Abandoning the “Bard” moniker, Google announced its ‘largest and most capable’ AI model – known as “Gemini”.

On the face of it, Gemini’s main purpose is to significantly enhance the way developers and enterprise customers build and scale with AI. But reading behind the lines, this is the next step in the “AI arms race”, as Google looks to retain its status as the defacto “everything” engine – a status it has enjoyed since beating out other search engines such as Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves and Dogpile (anyone else feel old?)

This model will be used within Google Products globally, including Google Ads, Search, Shopping & More throughout the coming months. While it is currently only being tested in the US, we expect this to be a fully functional part of the Google Search experience by the end of 2024. Advertisers will soon be able to use Gemini to create AI generated ad copy and sitelinks to improve the quality of their ads.

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1 December 2023

Google Merchant Center Next To Support Supplemental Feeds & Rules – December 2023

Advertisers using Google Merchant Center Next (GMCN) can look to breathe a sigh of relief as Google announces GMCN will be supporting supplemental feeds & rules early next year.

The simplified version of Google Merchant Center (GMC) unveiled in May lacked many tools its predecessor had available, leading advertisers to revert back to ‘classic mode’ in order to restore functionality that is integral to optimising Google ad shopping performance.

Important to note: Once reverted back to classic, access to GMCN is unavailable until the classic GMC is retired next year.

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26 October 2023

Search Themes on Performance Max – October 2023

Performance Max has seen another new update – this time its on audience targeting. ‘Search Themes’ is the new way to target users based on keyword “themes”, which appears to be a consolidated method of targeting both “user searched for” and “purchase intention” terms used in Pmax Audience Signals.

Google have stated that Audience Signals will eventually be phased out, with “Search Themes” being the sole method of targeting users via search terms. This is in line with Google Ads’ gradual shift towards broader and more automated-targeting, challenging marketers to consider that being TOO exact is detrimental to success (as we’ve seen with increased Broad Match performance).

How Google plans on integrating this new targeting method with other Audience Signal factors, like customer data or in-market audience targeting, remains to be seen…

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10 October 2023

Demand Generation Campaigns Rolled Out – October 2023

Following the removal of “Similar Audiences” in 2023, Google has launched its new flagship campaign type – Demand Generation (Demand Gen).

Vitally, this new product re-introduced “Similar Audiences” as “Lookalikes”, utilising the campaign’s Awareness & Consideration focus to find new customers based on customer/client data (such as email addresses and phone numbers).

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While having more of an upper-funnel focus than Performance Max (targeting users across Display, Android Feed, Gmail and YouTube placements), Google has stated that Demand Gen will be a performance driver, and using Data Driven attribution, give revenue & conversion credit as appropriate.

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