Social Media

24 July 2024

Apple introduce new AI-generated ‘Genmojis’

We’ve all been there: you’re looking for the perfect emoji for the conversation but it doesn’t exist. It’s a problem we’ve all encountered and Apple’s latest feature is solving this problem by introducing ‘Genmojis’.

This new feature allows IPhone users to create new emojis by simply describing the emoji they’re looking for. Apple’s AI system does the rest. If you’ve ever searched and searched for an emoji that doesn’t exist, then this is for you. Granted, it’s a fairly low-key problem, but definitely increases accessibility.

We’re not sure at this point whether this will be only available on messaging platforms, or will be something marketers can include in their social posts, but it’s definitely an update lots are excited for.

The update for these new Genmojis rolls out after iOS 18 launches later this year. As this feature will only be available for IPhone users, using Genmojis on social posts may not show up for Android users. Nevertheless, we’re excited to see how this feature pans out and the types of Genmojis users are creating.

Learn more about Genmojis
29 May 2024

Meta introduces site links in Facebook ads

Meta recently rolled out site links for Facebook ads which enables advertisers to display additional business and product information on their ads. The premise is fairly similar to Google ads with the addition of multiple landing pages featured.

Site links appear below the main asset whether that is an image or video. When users click the site link, they will be redirected to the appropriate landing page.

How to implement site links in your Facebook ads

  • Go to Ads Manager.
  • Click +Create.
  • Choose your objective:
    • You can use either Traffic, Engagement, Leads, or Sales.
    • Site links aren’t supported on the app promotion objective.
  • (If you have selected the sales objective:)
    • Toggle off use a catalogue at the campaign level. This won’t be necessary on other campaigns.
  • Fill out campaign details:
    • At the campaign level, fill out the campaign details sections as needed.
    • Click next.
  • Set the conversion location:
    • Select Website as your conversion location.
  • Ad set level:
    • Fill in the sections on the ad set level e.g. budget, audience controls, and placements sections.
  • Ad level:
    • After adding your creative, open the Advantage+ creative enhancements section where there will be an option to add site links card. Make sure you turn this feature on.
    • You can also preview how your ad will look here if any changes are required.
  • Add ad sources:
    • Enter a website URL in the ad sources section. Meta will automatically add site links to your ad.

Please note that Meta will try to find useful site links automatically, but if it can’t, you can add them manually. Keep in mind that you will need to add at least 3 site links to display them on your ad.

Head to Facebook to learn more
29 May 2024

TikTok launches new “TikTok Studio” management platform for creators

TikTok recently launched a new platform designed specifically for creators called TikTok Studio. This space will be utilised by creators to manage all aspects of their TikTok presence, from uploading and editing videos to performance analytics. TikTok Studio is an updated version of the Creative Centre which allows users to manage their accounts via desktop.

Get to know about this new platform in TikTok’s own words…

“As part of our ongoing commitment to empowering creators with innovative tools to support their TikTok journey, we’re excited to introduce TikTok Studio, a new comprehensive creation and management platform equipped with tools creators can use to create, edit, upload, manage, and analyze their TikTok account and content performance.

Whether you’re a seasoned creator, a newbie debuting your first video, or a small business balancing content creation while managing a business, TikTok Studio provides free, easy-to-use creation tools and centralized operational capabilities designed to efficiently streamline content workflow. Using their TikTok account to log in or sign up, creators can upload, film, edit, and post to TikTok directly from TikTok Studio and use tools like auto caption, photo editor, and autocut to polish their content with professional finesse.

TikTok also emphasised the new reporting features associated with this new platform, which will certainly be invaluable for many.

“TikTok Studio offers a wide range of invaluable reporting and analytics features to help creators navigate their TikTok journey. It provides insights into the performance of their account and content, as well as audience behaviour and monetization. This enables creators to analyze their performance, track improvements, and make more informed decisions. By using this information, creators can take a more strategic approach to their growth on TikTok.”

These tools aren’t “brand new”, but as they’re in a personalised dashboard, things should become a lot easier to manage for creators. It’s key to note that TikTok Studio is currently only available as a web app, but TikTok has said they are testing a standalone app experience as well.

Learn more about this story
1 July 2023

Google Analytics 4 Officially Replaces Universal Analytics

The forced migration away from the long-serving Universal Analytics (UA) to Google’s newest analytical platform Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a historic transitional moment in digital marketing. Advertisers now have no choice if they were previously using UA but to use GA4 if they to track the performance of their websites as UA officially stops processing website visitors as of today. It is now imperative for any advertisers to migrate from UA to GA4 in order to stop any potential data loss.

Find Out More at Wordstream