How a PPC specialist can help you grow your business 

PPC can be highly beneficial for expanding your customer outreach, engaging with your target audience and growing your business. However, unlike SEO, it requires you to first invest some of your money into an ad campaign before you’re likely to see an ROI. That’s why, if there are any elements of PPC you’re unsure of, we’d recommend consulting a PPC specialist, whose job it is to bring you the best return on your investments through effective ad campaigns and an established brand identity.

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What is a PPC specialist?

Here at Embryo, we have a whole team of PPC experts who make use of innovative in-house tools to delve deeper, find new data, challenge ideas and make a real change in how your website shows up.

A Pay-per-click specialist should have expertise and experience with PPC platforms such as Google Ads, Instagram Ads or LinkedIn Ads – to name just a few. Using technical knowledge and analytical skills, a specialist can help you maximise conversion rates with minimum expenditure.

What could a PPC specialist do for your business?

Through an assessment of your current web analytics and UX, (user experience), a PPC specialist can analyse data from your website in order to improve your ad campaigns and outreach, or to implement more effective ads so that your product or service is reaching the people you want it to, and generating more lead to customer conversions.

They’ll do this by carrying out keyword research, intervening directly with the types of ads you run to build up your site’s traffic, making sure your website is up to date with current PPC trends, and enhancing your landing page so that when a lead does click through to your website they have a compelling reason to stay.

Starting with keyword research:

When you select which keywords to use to drum up interest in your website and your product or service, you enter into a bid in order to claim priority keywords. The more in-demand the keyword is, usually the more expensive it is. That’s why it’s important for your PPC specialist to run keyword research. This will help them understand which terms are integral to your branding and to what you offer, the search volumes these terms generate, and how they can help your website stand out in order to boost your rankings.

Advising on your adverts:

ab testing

A large element of PPC is about how you can make the most of your ad budget by triggering the right ads at the right times with the most beneficial content and directed towards the most likely buyer demographic. A specialist should be able to produce ads with high ranking headlines and copy, with optimised images and the correct metadata and description that work in harmony with a successful SEO strategy.

One of the ways a PPC expert can best tailor their skills to your company is by running ad tests to check for keyword matches, and to find out when your ads are receiving the most impressions. With this knowledge they’ll be able to implement various PPC strategies such as adding extensions to make it easier for users to get in touch with you, or tweaking exclusion settings in certain programs so that you’re not wasting your money on ads that only show when your customer demographic is asleep.

Tracking trends:

automated bidding strategy graph

Google Ads has a lot of automated bidding settings to help with your PPC campaigns and you can set limits on things like your ad delivery options to determine whether Google spreads your budget throughout the day or uses it up quickly depending on which will boost the maximum engagement. Needless to say, Google will most likely always be one step ahead.

However, part of a specialist’s job is to be aware of changing trends and the latest PPC practices so that they can make the most efficient and productive use of Google Ads’ features. This goes beyond web analytics to SEO to include customer research, knowledge of social trends and other PPC platforms, and being aware of the impact of PPC automation (things like the use of AI to optimise budgets or generate the best headlines) so that you can work with Google’s tools and services in order to be where your customers are.

Livening up your landing page:

ways to re purpose content

Once your specialist has optimised your ads for maximum conversions and ROI, your site visitors need a reason to stay in order to complete the lead generation process that will transform them into paying (loyal) customers. This is usually where the commitment to buy, or at least to move forward in their buyer’s journey,  is made. That’s why it’s incredibly important that your landing page is appealing and accessible, and that you have a clearly visible CTA (call to action), like this one, that will take you to our contact form, so that your lead can transition seamlessly into the next stage of their buying journey with you.

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