PPC Top Tips For Maximum Engagement

Whether It’s PPC, SEO, Content or social. Having the ability to effectively engage with your target audience is key to a successful marketing strategy.
With Pay-per-click marketing increasing in popularity rapidly each year, it’s imperative for marketers to ensure they’re doing what they can to stand out from the crowd.
In this blog, I’ll be covering my top 5 tips across various PPC campaign types which can help set you apart from your competitors.
Tip 1 – Shopping Network – Imagery
Imagery must-haves;
- High-quality image
- Well lit & Clear message
- A clear view of the product and its key features
- If the size is a key factor, i.e a women’s bag, it’s important to have a life-sized model.
- Varies from the competitor’s images for the same or similar products.
See below example of what Argos have done to set themselves apart from competitors. This simple choice of imagery effectively gives the user instant insight into a new product feature. Sometimes this can be the difference between receiving a sale and not.
Of Course price and product title play a big role when it comes to shopping campaigns, but with the above imagery, you’ll put yourself in a great position when it comes to standing out from the crowd.
Tip 2 – Call To Actions
As we know, ad space can often be limiting, especially when you’re wanting to cram in as many unique selling points as possible. It’s sometimes easy to miss out things like call to actions. Until now, did you know that a call to action can increase your conversion rates by up to 80%?
Below I have put together a top 10 list of call to actions based on overall performance in a wide variety of industries.
- Your
- Free
- Now
- Get
- Online
- Our
- Save
- Best
- Shipping
- You
A few talking points.
You’re – Its key to ensure your involving your audience rather than making it entirely about you.
Free & Save – I think it’s fair to say that as users ourselves, we’re very price conscious a lot of the time, Users will often be drawn to words which indicate a financial saving.
Now & Get – Users, especially PPC users, are often considered lazy & impatient. And that’s why these call to actions bode well in ad copy, these let the users know that they can get the product or service quickly.
Tip 3 – Ensure To Avoid Repetition
Having your most relevant keywords in your ad copy is key, but having too many or repeating the same ones can have a disastrous effect on your engagement.
Top advertisers across PPC tend to repeat no more than 2 keywords in an entire ad, from the headlines & descriptions, to paths.
Keyword-rich headlines and descriptions are brilliant for your quality scores, but too many can really annoy users.
Tip 4 – Punctuation!
If you’re reading this, you’ll probably have noticed you emphasised the word punctuation when reading it purely because of an exclamation mark. In some cases, the clever use of punctuation has improved conversion rate by 12% and decreased CPC by 24%.
For this tip, we’ll look at the most used punctuation in non-branded text ads.
- Exclamation points – 42%
- Commas – 25%
- Question mark – 11%
- Percentile – 9%
I think it’s fair to say we have a winner. Of course, it’s industry-dependent, but these stats show that users want to be hyped up by a text ad. And the correct placement and clever use can really help make the most out of your ads.
Tip 5 – Titles & Descriptions – Shopping Network
You may or may not know that shopping campaigns are ran using a shopping feed. Shopping feeds are built up of information and columns relating to each specific product on your website, from images, titles, descriptions, prices, colour, size etc.
As shopping campaigns don’t use keywords, it’s very important to ensure your titles and descriptions are as relevant to your products as possible.
Key point;
- Google views your titles left to right so ensure the most important product factors are at the start.
Below is a comprehensive list for an ideal title structure for a variety of industries. Following this throughout your shopping feed can have a profound impact on performance.
Hopefully, with the above tips, you can increase the engagement of your ads and maximise performance.