Targeting your PPC customers

If you want to buy PPC ads or organise a PPC campaign, one of the most crucial things you need is customers! In fact, the effectiveness of your PPC advertising campaigns depends on carefully selecting your target audience.

At Embryo, we’ve got all you need to know about PPC for eCommerce. From telling you what PPC means, to our recommended campaign steps, you’re in the right place for your business.

PPC and target audiences come hand in hand. This informative guide will tell you all you need to know about the best ways to target your customers.

Before you start reading, here are 5 important ways to target customers:

  • Understand audience targeting
  • Use keyword research
  • Keep testing and refining
  • Segment your campaigns
  • Use ad extensions

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What is PPC audience targeting?

illustration for developing target audience

It is essential to know why targeting customers is important in your PPC journey. Without audiences, there is no reason to display pay per click ads, as no one will be clicking on them!

In PPC advertising, audience targeting involves displaying your ads to users who are most likely to use your goods or services.

Therefore, having a basic understanding of audience targeting is key. For a more in-depth insight, have a read of Who Is Your Target Audience? This will tell you why knowing your target audience is vital for paid social campaigns.

Use keyword research

google ads keyword planner tool

Keyword research is extremely important when choosing PPC campaigns. Not only does it help you to see where the clicks are coming from, it also helps you to target the correct audience.

You need to know which keywords your target customers are searching for so that you can create ads that appear in the right place. Tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs are a great way to identify relevant keywords and ensure you are targeting the right people.

Keyword research helps to ensure that your ads reach the right users at the right time. By understanding what your audience is searching for, you can align your advertisements with their needs and interests, making your PPC campaign more effective and efficient.

Test and refine your ads

illustration for ab testing

Testing and refining your PPC ads is a great way to target customers. Nothing is perfect the first time around, so testing allows you to find improvements and make tweaks along the way.

When you refine your ads, make sure to only change one variable at a time. For example, if you want to test the effectiveness of two different headlines, then keep the rest of the ad the same.

Testing advertisements can also gain good information about your audience. Whether you test something or not, you are still gaining real responses from real people who visit your website. So even if you are still trial running, test advertising is still reaching some audiences, even if they haven’t been polished yet.

Through this essential testing and evaluating, you can gain valuable insights, improve your click-through rates, and ultimately achieve a better return on investment.

Create campaign segments

By creating separate campaigns for different products or services, you can target specific audiences with tailored messaging. In fact, segmenting PPC campaigns are a great way to get the most out of your PPC budget.

Consider factors such as interests, geography, and demographics. Putting what you offer into specific segments or categories can help you to monitor which products or services perform best. With this information, you can adjust your digital marketing strategy accordingly.

Here are some benefits of using segmentations in PPC advertising:

  • Improved targeting – by dividing your customers into smaller, specific segments, you can create highly targeted and relevant ads that resonate with each segment. This overall leads to a higher click rate.
  • Better understanding of customer behavior – using segments can provide insights into customer behaviour and preferences, which leads to better decision making.
  • Increased engagement – personalised and relevant advertising leads to increased engagement which can result in customer loyalty.

Install ad extensions

ad extensions- local and reviews

Using ad extensions can help your ads stand out, which can provide more value to your customers.

Ad extensions are additional bits of information that you can place alongside an ad, such as a phone number or business location. Adding these pieces of information can improve PPC ads visibility and provide more information to potential customers.

Some other ad extenders you can use include:

  • Sitelink extensions – these allow you to add links to specific pages on your website.
  • Review extensions – these are extensions that can show positive reviews of your business.
  • Callout extensions – these can highlight unique selling points of your business or services.

Ensuring that you target the correct customers is an essential part of figuring out a PPC campaign. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can now take action and create targeted and effective PPC ads that deliver results.

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