Embryo Welcomes A New Competitor For Control Of The Office Playlist…

The content team and team Embryo at large are super excited to welcome our newest content exec, Andy Bustard (pronounced buh-staard, if you please)! Andy comes to us with a background in music journalism (though Harriet still won’t let anyone near the office radio) and has already settled in brilliantly, getting stuck in with our clients, putting together fantastic content and shaking up the PES rankings, much to the dismay of the SEO team! We sat down with Andy to find out a bit more about his background, what he’s looking forward to about working at Embryo, and his claim to fame!

What will your job involve?

As a Context Executive, I’ll be writing (hopefully) creative, informative and SEO-optimised content for clients, as well as developing content strategies, tone of voice and competitor analysis research for new clients. I’ll also be writing a few pieces each month for Embryo’s blog.

Why did you choose to work at Embryo?

When I was job hunting, I must have applied for at least 20 different content writing roles in and around Manchester. While I’ll probably come off as a bit of a kiss-ass by saying this, Embryo was the one place I really wanted to work. When I was doing my homework on the company, what immediately stood out to me was the vibrant and friendly culture they’ve cultivated here. And having written for a few magazines myself, I was really impressed with their zine-style projects like Manchester’s 50 Who Say It Like It Is.

What are you looking forward to about working at Embryo?

I’m looking forward to producing quality work that will get our clients the results they’re after, as well as forging relationships with the clients I’ll be writing for. Also, having worked from home (and a fair amount of coffee shops) for the last seven years, I’m also looking forward to being a part of a team with some very lovely, helpful and hard-working people!

What do you hope to gain from the job?

In addition to transferring my existing skills and experience into the world of content writing, I hope to develop my skills and knowledge of SEO, social media and digital marketing. Finding a general sense of achievement, confidence and contentment (no pun intended) would be a bonus!

Where have you worked before and what kind of work have you done?

Before joining Embryo, I was a music journalist for seven years. I wrote for and edited a bunch of different websites, magazines and blogs based in both the UK and America. I’m a huge hip-hop nerd so I mainly wrote about rap music (which I will defend as a serious artform until my death!)

As a music journalist, I was lucky enough to write for publications I grew up reading, spend a month in New York City (which was the best month of my life) and meet a few musical heroes of mine, including J. Cole, Childish Gambino and Anderson. Paak. Believe it or not, I even got dissed by Eminem on his last album, which may or may not be in my Tinder bio.

Tell us about your hobbies.

I love going to music gigs (obviously), playing football, hanging out with my two-year-old nephew and, as of late, destroying everyone in the office on PES.

What about anything that you feel bands/artists should know about promoting themselves online?

1. Make good music.
2. Share this music on social media (obviously).
3. Be yourself, engage with fans and build an audience organically. Don’t chase viral success or fleeting trends.
4. Make good music.

Welcome to the team Andy, we’re happy to have you with us!


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