Top Tips For Every Content Writer Working In Fashion

Before joining the Content team at Embryo earlier this month, I was a copywriter in the fashion industry (which is pretty hard to believe considering I spend 99% of my life in a hoodie and leggings right now). Whilst my fashion sense is average at best throughout lockdown, I’d like to think I write pretty great content. Using my knowledge and experience in the fashion industry, I’ve created this blog to give you some top tips on becoming a great fashion content writer.

Not only is it important to write content that your target audience is going to love, but that search engines are going to love too. This is something we’re passionate about here at Embryo – striking the right balance is the key to success. With that in mind, this blog will address both writing engaging content for your audience and making your content technically sound for search enginesAnd who knows, if you nail the art of content writing in the fashion industry, you might just score enough points to bag yourself a top spot on our Embryo fashion index!

Don’t underestimate the power of your tone of voice

If there isn’t a set of guidelines that have already been created for written content, you should create one, or work with your fashion client to create one. Even if you’re a start-up fashion brand, creating a clear set of guidelines that sets out your target audience, tone of voice and content strategy is essential for success. Using these guidelines will be the key to keeping your content consistent in terms of targeting the right audience and using the correct tone of voice to do so. 

Mastering a brand tone of voice is, in my opinion, highly underestimated. A good tone of voice will showcase exactly who you are and what your brand stands for. Most importantly, it will talk directly to your target audience. Think of your tone of voice as your brand’s personality – it goes hand-in-hand with the fashion items you sell. Generally, if people are drawn in by, and like, your personality then they enjoy engaging with you (and you’ll probably earn bonus points if they like your style too). It’s no different for your brand. If people like your brand’s personality, they’ll be drawn in. Subsequently, they’ll read your content, take an interest in your products, and ultimately this will lead to an increased ROI. If you haven’t yet invested time in mapping out your content strategy and establishing your tone of voice, you should take some time to do so.

Track current trends – they will inform your content

Whatever industry you’re writing content for, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the current trends. This is essential for fashion content writers – trends change rapidly based on what the latest Instagram or celebrity look is, the latest TV show or even factors like going into national lockdown. For example, the number of times that online shoppers were using the search term ‘joggers’ increased considerably last year as we went into lockdown, and sales soared. As more people were working from home and spending more time lounging around, they were looking to invest in comfortable clothing. Similarly, the sale of corsets increased dramatically when the Netflix series Bridgerton aired and had millions swooning over the Duke of Hastings. 

If you keep on top of these trends, you can pretty much predict a) what shoppers are going to be looking for, and b) consequentially, what you’re going to be writing about, whether that’s a blog post about those items, the product descriptions or the landing pages for that category. The combination of an increase in certain search terms along with the demand for content about said terms will then also affect your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. This includes the keywords that you use within your content to help Google establish that you’re knowledgeable, and therefore a leading brand, about the topic or fashion item in question.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ with keywords and search terms

This is a more technical point and is perhaps most relevant to big brands that are selling products in multiple territories and have different store views to reflect this. Remember that keywords and terms will differ depending on the target country. This means that your SEO keyword research will have different outcomes across your territories. 

Using the same example of joggers again, they are referred to as ‘track pants’ in Australia and ‘sweat pants’ in the USA. This might not seem like much of a big deal, but it is when it comes to search terms. If a shopper in Australia is searching for ‘track pants’ but the content is tailored to a UK audience and refers to them as ‘joggers’, they could potentially miss seeing this content – it’s a missed opportunity. With this in mind, remember to tailor your content to the store view it’ll be displayed in. As an example, if you’re writing a blog about joggers, change the term to ‘track pants’ in your Australian store view.

Remember that each country will have different trends and will be in different seasons too. The content you’re pushing in the UK might be completely different from the content you push in Australia, who’ll be enjoying the summer when the UK is in winter. As a result, your Australian target audience will be interested in different items based on seasonality, and therefore probably different content, to your UK audience. When you’re planning your content, make sure you consider these factors so that your content has maximum impact.

Get in touch with us

As with any great content writer, to master your craft you have to work hard, get all the experience you can and continue learning at every opportunity. However, by putting these handy tips into practice, you’ll be on the right track to creating engaging content that not only your audience but search engines will love. If you’d like to learn more about how striking the perfect balance between creativity and technical excellence can help your brand, get in touch with Embryo today on 0161 327 2635.


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