32 unbelievable stats: AI in marketing

AI is growing more and more popular in the marketing industry. Marketers are using AI to support several different aspects of their work; from social media to ad creation to increasing efficiency when creating SEO strategies, AI is making a name for itself in the marketing world.
It is likely if you aren’t using AI, you’re competitors might be. However, not every marketer is a fan of AI practices and scepticism remains prevalent.
To better understand how AI is used within the marketing industry and the opinions surrounding the increase in AI, I have broken down some 32 key AI & marketing-related stats.
If you are looking for top-quality support with your digital marketing strategy, get in touch with our expert team today and let’s work together to achieve your goals. We look forward to hearing from you!
AI and content stats
- AI is not just used for written content, 31% of marketers use it to create short videos and nearly 20% use it when creating long videos. Plus, 28% use AI for images.
- The main use for 76% of marketers using AI is to create simple content or produce copy
- 6% of marketers that use AI for copy creation, use it to write the entire piece of content.
- 56% of marketers using Gen AI believe that it outperforms human content
Other AI uses in marketing stats
- 4/5 of marketers want AI to limit the time they spend on repetitive tasks
- 90% of marketers in over 30 countries have used AI to automate customer interactions
- Nearly 60% of marketers think AI helps increase efficiency in their marketing strategies.
- 3/5 marketers view AI as an assistant to support them with their job duties.
- 70% of LinkedIn users have tried the platform’s AI tools
- In the first two months of being active, Snapchat’s AI chatbot received 10 billion messages from around 150 million users.
- Pinterest has introduced an AI service called ‘shop the look’ that will provide users with recommendations; following this, the platform saw a 9% increase in site conversions.
- The AI influencer market is set to reach just under $7 billion by the end of 2024 through work on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, X and more.
- Due to AI recommendations, Facebook experienced a 15% increase in Reel watch time.
- By 2028, the AI market in the marketing industry is set to reach $107.5 billion
- The global market value for the AI marketing industry was $23.5 billion in 2023.
- 4/10 marketers believe that using AI in email marketing improves market revenue
Stats on marketers’ opinions on AI
- 85% of B2B marketers use gen AI and nearly 80% of them are satisfied with the results
- Nearly 75% of marketers think that AI will become a staple within the workplace within a few years
- Half of marketers believe that the insufficient adoption of AI stops them from driving results and achieving goals
Barriers to AI adoption stats
- Just over 70% of those who don’t use AI believe that a lack of understanding is the main barrier to adopting AI.
- 43 % of marketers state that they are unsure how to get the most out of AI
- Nearly 40% of marketers say they do not know how to use AI safely
- 7/10 of marketers say that their employers do not provide AI training
AI in use stats
- Marketing and sales departments actually prioritise AI for market revenue success 40% more than other industry departments
- Nearly 70% of marketers have already used AI in their marketing operations
- 23% of employers have AI training for their marketing teams
The future of AI in marketing stats
- It is predicted that 30% of outgoing marketing messages from large companies will be generated by AI in 2025.
- In the next 3 years, nearly 80% of marketers believe that more than a quarter of their tasks will be automated.
- By 2025, it is predicted that AI chatbots will manage up to 85% of customer interactions without human intervention.
As you can see AI is probably here to stay. It can be overwhelming to know how to integrate AI into your marketing strategy without sacrificing the human side of your brand that audiences love – that’s why our team of digital marketing experts are ready to help you.
Want to take your digital marketing to the next level?
Here at Embryo, we are ready to help you drive results and achieve ultimate digital success for your business. We are looking forward to hearing from you.