How to know when to hire an SEO freelancer

When you first build a business, especially if it’s been your vision for a long time, it can be easy to think of it as your personal project. It’s something you’ve created and that you’re in charge of, and the success of which depends on you.

However, as your business grows, it’s likely that you’ll need to grow your team as well in order to make the most efficient use of your time and to keep up with the fast pace of the digital marketing industry. With all the will in the world, sometimes not even the best CEO can possibly be an expert in SEO as well as every other aspect of the digital marketing industry.

If SEO is an area of your business that you’re looking to improve – and if you’re following a good marketing strategy – then an SEO freelancer could help you keep all of the plates spinning by taking some of the weight off. They can be a time-efficient and cost-effective way of increasing traffic to your site as this is the principal area of their role.

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What is an SEO freelancer and how can one help your company?

people climbing higher through teamwork

An SEO freelancer is a professional who you bring on board to help you generate more traffic to your website by increasing your visibility on search engines. The freelance part just means that they’re not officially employed by your company, but that they lend their skills – in this case, their SEO knowledge – to a company like yours on a flexible basis.

By hiring an SEO freelancer to help with your site’s SEO, you can spend your time focusing on other aspects of the company while they take care of the optimisation side of things. As a specialist in their field, they should be able to offer valuable insights into your marketing strategy to help you generate more organic traffic to your website.

An SEO freelancer’s main aim is to help you achieve your business goals. In order to increase your conversions  – and your profits – you should be focusing on more organic traffic, increased rankings, higher CTRs (click-through rates), and building internal links in order to rank higher in SERPs.

There are certain things an SEO freelancer can offer your company that will not only save you time and money (while helping you make money) but also improve your company’s performance with their expertise.

Specialised expertise

While as far as brand identity is concerned you might feel like you know your company inside and out, an SEO specialist can offer niche expertise – hopefully with previous success stories as proof. They can bring a knowledge of the complexities of SEO as a specific area of the digital market in order to implement them for your online content.

Specialists will also have up-to-date knowledge of current trends and changes to the Google algorithm to ensure that your content is not only appealing but that it it adaptable and remains relevant.


While at first it might seem like an unnecessary expense, especially when you think about the increased profit that enhanced site optimisation will bring for your company, an SEO freelancer is definitely a worthy investment if you’ve got the company budget for it. Due to their flexibility, personalised attention, and competitive rates, freelancers are often a smart economic decision when it comes to driving your business growth.

The human touch

You might think AI is a cheaper solution than hiring an SEO freelancer. Why pay someone to do something a computer will do for free, right?

However, what AI can’t do is offer a more personal experience than just relying on paid ads or auto-generated content. By understanding user search intent and current trends from a human perspective, an SEO freelancer will be able to help you craft a website made for people and therefore more likely to generate conversions from people genuinely interested in your products and services, rather than one made just for machines.


Hiring an expert who will not only optimise more thoroughly than someone juggling an array of tasks, but more quickly as well, can boost your business productivity immensely. Instead of spending your time carrying out thorough keyword research yourself, or trying to wrap your head around technical SEO issues, a freelancer’s job is to come in and do all of this for you. This frees you up to concentrate on other areas of your business that need your attention.

Where to find SEO freelancers?

business owner shaking hands with seo freelancer candidates

So you’ve decided that there are some areas of your business that could benefit from an outsider’s eye in the form of an SEO freelancer. Great decision! But where on earth do you hire a freelancer from?

Job boards are a great place to start. These platforms often have a freelancer database so that you can look through options and find someone who fits your business. A database also means that the freelancers are more likely to be verified.

Alternatively, social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter can be a great way to source freelancers eager to bring their skillset and fresh new perspective to your company. Or, if you want to go old school, you could just ask Google. Many freelancers often have their own website or online portfolio so that you can see the projects they’ve worked on in the past, as well as testimonials and certifications.

Worth the investment?

The shift from traditional to digital marketing has been rapid, and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. If you want to make the most of your online visibility so that your site climbs to the top of the rankings and drives more organic content, you might want to invest in an SEO freelancer.

Any questions? Feel free to get in touch with our expert team today- we’d be happy to help with any query you may have!

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