How Often Should You Be Adding Content to Your B2B Website?

If you run a B2B (business to business) website, you’ll want to be adding content every so often, to keep people coming back for more. Balancing out how much content to add and when to add it is a tricky thing to get right, particularly if you’re not a content writer yourself.
Every business and market is different, requiring a different strategy and approach. However, there are some simple rules you can follow which will help you to expand your website, whilst also growing your business in the process.
Remember – this isn’t a one size fits all situation and you’ll need to work out what’s best for your own site. If you find that you need a little more help with your content, why not get in touch with Embryo and see how we can help?
We specialise in creating high-quality longform content, designed to optimise your site to rank as highly as possible on Google. We’ve found that our strategies work well with Google’s algorithms, allowing you to increase your website traffic in an effective way.
How Often Should I Be Updating Content?
Generally, you need to be adding new content frequently to your website – we recommend adding new stuff every month to keep everything fresh. Adding regular content is slightly more important for B2C (business to customer) markets, as, in those situations, you need to keep your customers interested and coming back for more.
However, updating the content on your site on a regular basis is still important for B2B websites. By consistently adding new content to your website you can keep interest levels peaked, drawing people back in. If you’re writing regularly or you’ve set a specific target to your readers of how often they should expect to see new copy, you need to ensure you keep up with it, so you don’t leave people feeling disappointed.
If you keep to these deadlines, your readers will come to expect new content and you’ll build up a dedicated following. You can take this even further by setting an expectation for your viewers – make an easily accessible schedule for your readers so they know when they can expect to engage with you. Another angle is to refresh and optimise existing content, which can increase traffic for older pages.
A couple of blog posts or content pieces a week should be sufficient to keep people coming back, although if you don’t think you can keep to this, at least one post a week is recommended. Statistically, posting between 2 – 4 times a week will give you the highest ratio of conversions.
Remember – you can spread your copy across multiple mediums if you wish. For example – one week you could write a blog post, whereas the next week you could create a news item or a product review. The important thing is to ensure that your content is well researched and carries authority.
If your website focuses more on news, you might want to increase the frequency with which you update your site, depending on how often there is something new to report. This will be largely industry dependent and some businesses won’t have as much to announce. However, if something newsworthy happens, you need to make sure there is someone on hand to write about it.
Certain pages such as your ‘about’, ‘FAQ’ and ‘contact’ sections won’t need updating as much as other parts of your site, but you still need to keep on top of them in case anything changes. Your blog and news sections are the most important parts of your site when creating new copy. However, new content should be added to every page occasionally, to keep things as fresh as possible.
Using Different Mediums
Updating content also depends on the medium you’re using. Websites are very different to using social media pages like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – although they’re no less important in the world of digital marketing at the moment,
When creating content on social media, you need to be updating your pages with fresh posts every day. This is particularly important on a platform like Twitter, which is much more conversational than something like Instagram. If you’re using something like Facebook, two posts a day is recommended to keep things interesting.
How Much is Too Much?
One thing you don’t want to do is add too much content and risk content cannibalisation. If you’re changing things up every couple of hours, taking products off your site too quickly or deleting old copy almost as soon as it’s been uploaded, you’re going to drive people away. It’s important to get the right balance – why not consider updating older pages instead of deleting them?
You also need to avoid being seen as ‘spammy’. This is something that applies to the social media world as well – whilst you can often get away with posting more on your social media pages than your website, posting too much at the same time might annoy your readers.
Content should be left up for as long as it’s still relevant – previous news posts can be deleted if they’re no longer applicable, but older blog posts might still have some use.
Why is Regularly Updating Content Important?
Apart from the fact that fresh content invites more readers to view your website and engage with you, it also has a huge impact on SEO. Google and other search engines value new and fresh content, so by posting more often, you’re going to automatically increase your SEO rankings.
Google will give you a higher score if your content is deemed to be ‘fresh’, but this will erode over time if you don’t keep posting new copy, lowering your rankings. You’ll also give older readers a new reason to visit your site again, as well as inviting in new users.
If you’re not sure how often you should be uploading content, you could create a feedback system for your clients, asking them what they’d like to see and how often they’d like to see it. By doing this, you’ll also make your customers feel more valued, which may encourage them to do more business with you in the future.
Need Some Help Getting Started? You’ve Come to the Right Place!
If you’re new to the content game or just feel like you need a little more help getting your work out there on a regular basis, we can help you.
At Embryo, we’re experts at what we do, writing long-form content every day that’s certain to help you with your search engine rankings. We understand that it can be difficult to produce top-notch content every week whilst juggling all the other tasks that a business requires to keep moving forwards. We’re here to help you increase your traffic and keep everything running as smoothly as possible.
If you’d like to find out more about what we do, get in touch today!