Left on read? Here are the 6 email KPIs to measure your campaigns by

While being left on read is very frustrating, there are multiple other ways to measure the success of your campaigns.

To help you understand other email KPIs that can quantify your campaigns, we’ve pulled together 6 of the best email KPIs, to help you measure your marketing efforts.

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The 6 essential email key performance indicators

email notifications

Open rate: Open rate is the best way to take a screenshot of the initial interest in your campaign.

If email open rates are high, it likely means that you have used a captivating subject line that engages the recipient. When you’re outreaching a campaign you should try A/B testing subject lines to gauge which is more engaging.

Email delivery rate: The email delivery rate is essentially the percentage of emails that successfully make it to the intended recipients’ inbox.

There are multiple reasons why an email may not be delivered, one being it gets delivered to a recipient’s spam folder.  If this is happening, no matter how good your content is, it won’t be seen.

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Click-through rate (CTR): Email click-through rate, or CTR as it is commonly referred to, monitors whether or not recipients are taking action to the campaign emails. It is worked out as a percentage.

CTR is a valuable metric for understanding audience engagement and helps to refine strategies. To ensure a high CTR, you should make sure that the call to action and email content is compelling to the audience.

Forward rate: Forward rate details the frequency at which recipients are forwarding the content onto their own network, thus organically generating more leads for your campaigns.

Content being shared is a great indicator that the email content is resonating with your target audience. It also shows which email campaigns are the most popular and the strategy can be applied to future campaigns.

opened emails

Read time: One email KPI to judge how interesting, or not, your content is is read time. This measures how long email recipients spend reading your emails.

A short read time likely indicates that your content isn’t engaging, or there is simply too much of it. While this KPI isn’t an exact science, it is a good indicator of how well your campaigns are grabbing the reader’s attention.

Bounce rate: Bounce rate is an email KPI that is the percentage of emails not successfully delivered to recipients. It is different from the delivery rate as it indicates your sender’s reputation and the overall deliverability of your campaigns.

A high bounce rate can be cause for concern and should be investigated.

Want to hear more about how to get your campaigns to land?

At Embryo, we understand the importance of effective communication to make your campaigns soar. Why not give us a call to see how we can help your business? We’d be happy to talk!

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