24 Threads stats

Launched on 5th July 2023, the youngest of the Meta apps, Threads, is quickly approaching its one-year anniversary. Criticised by many, Threads was quickly said to be a copy of X (formerly Twitter) – a new platform to ‘share ideas and connect through conversation’.

So why would Meta create an app which is so similar to existing apps already?

Building on the successful foundations of Instagram, Threads was created to provide a creative and collaborative conversation space, away from the highly image-dependent posting. The integration with Instagram (2.4 billion users) can be said to be hugely responsible for the Threads status of the ‘fastest growing social media app’.

Let’s take a look at some more of the stand-out statistics from over the past year, which demonstrate the impact that Threads had on the social media landscape, and what Threads is doing today.

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The launch of Threads

  • The integration with Instagram means the sign-up process takes 10 seconds
  • Within just two hours of Launch, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, used his Threads platform to announce the app had 2 million users.
  • The first 24 hours of Threads saw 95+million posts.
  • By day 5, the number of users increased to 100 million.
  • Threads is the fastest-growing social media platform by a large margin. ChatGPT launched in 2022, gained 1 million users in 5 hours, and 10 million viewers in 40 days, where this only took Threads 1 hour and 7 hours, respectively. (Statista)
  • The first day after launch saw 41.7 million active users
  • Within one week, there was a 52% drop in daily activity, with 23.6 million daily users.
  • Within one month, only 10.3 million users were active daily, down 79% from launch. (Similarweb)

Threads today

  • Threads is available to download in over 100 countries
  • Launch of the app in the EU was delayed to December 2023, due to strict regulations and an EU data breach by Meta resulting in a £335m fine (BBC News)
  • Meta states that monthly active users have grown from 100 million in Q3-2023 to 150 million in Q1-2024
  • As of March 2024, there are around 33 million active users globally on Threads each day
  • Sign-ups dramatically slowed after the initial launch, with 190 million total users today
  • There has been a total of 265.44 million downloads across Google play and App store since its launch (Statista)
  • Threads have a 4.5-star rating on the App store with 303.2K reviews

Who is using Threads?

  • On launch, download rates were highest in India (22%), followed by the UK (20%) and Brazil (16%) (Skillademia)
  • Threads support is accessible in 30 different languages
  • 68% of users are male
  • The largest age group is 25-34 year olds (36.4% of users)
  • 25% of users are aged 45+

Source: (Similar web)

Threads for Celebs

  • Neymar Jr is the most followed account on Threads, with 16.1 million followers, followed by Selena Gomez with 15.1 million followers
  • Mr. Beast was the first account to reach 1 million followers

Threads vs ‘X’

  • Posts are limited to 280 characters on X, whereas Threads has a higher character limit of 500
  • The average user time on Threads is 3 minutes, whereas on X this jumps to 31 minutes
  • Threads allows video length up to 5 minutes. X allows videos of 2 minutes 20 seconds.

Despite the initial spike in engagement with the new app, immediately followed by a sharp drop in activity, CEO Mark Zuckerberg called the situation ‘normal’ adding “If you have more than 100 million people sign up, ideally it would be awesome if all of them or even half of them stuck around. We’re not there yet”.

Today, Threads activity has picked up greatly and is still rising.

Want to know more about how you could implement Threads into your social strategy? Get in touch today!

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