33 Shopify stats you need to know

As one of the biggest eCommerce platforms, sometimes absorbing and understanding Shopify stats is the easiest way to fully get your head around Shopify and all its built-in marketing tools. That’s why we’ve rounded up 33 statistics to show you just how powerful this platform can be.

At Embryo, we’re no stranger to Shopify – nor its power. Our leading web development team can help you unlock the growth potential of your Shopify store, so you can reach a bigger audience, skyrocket your sales and most importantly, set yourself apart from the competition.

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33 Shopify stats to appreciate the power of Shopify

Everything in your basket? Let’s check out…

Revenue and Sales

  • Shopify boasts an annual revenue of $7bn.
  • Since its inception, Shopify has generated over $700 billion in sales.
  • In Q1 2024, the platform’s revenue increased 23% to $1.9 billion compared to the prior year – translating into year-over-year growth of 29%
  • Shopify merchants reached a record of $9.3 billion in sales over Black Friday- Cyber Monday weekend in 2023.
  • Shopify predicts a 155% ROI within three years of joining as a Shopify partner.
  • Collective sales reached $4.2 million per minute at 12:01 p.m. EST on Black Friday last year.
  • In the first three months of 2024, total B2B sales by merchants on Shopify were up 130% year-over-year.
  • For more than 7 years, Shopify Capital has injected more than $5 billion into merchant businesses.
  • Subscription Solutions revenue increased 34% to $511 million in Q1 2024, driven by the number of merchants and the pricing increases on Shopify’s standard subscription plans.
  • Shopify handles 10,978 requests every single minute.
  • More than 55,000 merchants had their highest-selling day ever on Shopify on Black Friday 2023.

Global Reach

Influence and Shares

Apps and Features

  • 800+ features and updates have been released in Shopify over three years.
  • Since Shopify’s AI image generation was rolled out, merchants have already saved over 1 million AI-generated images to their storefronts.
  • There are 2.4 million monthly downloads of Shopify’s Shop app.
  • Shop Pay, Shopify’s accelerated checkout option, has generated a cumulative GMV of $110 billion since its launch in 2017.
  • Shopify has an ecosystem of 400+ extensibility-powered apps with features like upsells, loyalty programs, and post-purchase surveys.
  • Since 2022, merchants have used Shopify’s Planet app to neutralise shipping emissions from more than 25 million orders, remove 23,000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere and contribute more than $1 million in funding for carbon removal projects.
  • Shopify handles 80,000 live tickets and over 95,000 interactions via its AI-powered help centre every week.

Shopify Plus

  • Over 48,000 sites use Shopify Plus, the platform’s enterprise-grade offering, including household names like Heinz, Staples and Steve Madden.
  • Of all the customers using Shopify Plus, a majority (61%) are small (<50 employees), 10% are large (>1000 employees) and 29% are medium-sized.
  • 45% of Shopify Plus customers are in the United States, 8% are in the United Kingdom and 5% in Canada.
  • Looking at Shopify Plus customers by industry, Retail (17%), Apparel & Fashion (11%) and Manufacturing (9%) are the largest segments.

Do more with Shopify today

Shopify is a platform with all the bells and whistles – but you’ll need an expert to help your site make noise. Reach out to Embryo today.

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