Open AI vs Chat GPT: Which is better?

OpenAI & ChatGPT both have different uses. OpenAI is targeted more towards B2B. It’s designed for businesses which require more advanced AI capabilities. It also has much more secure chat features, language translations,  compliance, security and private data protection.

ChatGPT is much more B2C orientated. It’s an AI chatbot with natural language processing that allows you to have human-like conversations in order to find solutions to a variety of tasks. This generative AI tool which OpenAI created has taken the digital world by storm due to its ability to compose essays, code, emails & much more.

Here at Embryo, we primarily use ChatGPT for its knowledge base capabilities. However, we’re exploring the power of OpenAI in order to see if it can further enhance the way we operate as an agency.

In this blog, I’ll be detailing all of the key features for both in the hope that it will help you decide which is more suitable for you and your business… And ultimately, which is better?

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Trained, customisable, and scaleable: OpenAI’s Key Features

Pre-trained models have been trained using generic data sets. Allowing the end user to then take these models and put them into practice on a more specific task. This is a huge time & resource saver for the end user.

Some of the models which are already in use are:

  • GPT-4: Capable of understanding and creating both text and code.
  • DALL-E: A model that creates and edits images based on user-inputted text prompts.
  • Whisper: Transforms audio into written text.
  • Embeddings: A model that turns text into numbers.
  • Moderation: A model that identifies potentially sensitive or unsafe text.

OpenAI has trained the models above on a vast amount of data & computer power which very few organisations could replicate. These models are now allowing a plethora of businesses to easily utilise these models in the form of an Integrative API.

OpenAI allows users to take the above pre-trained models and fine-tune them in a way which is going to enhance their personal experience, often to increase relevance by making it specific to them & their business. As your business grows and projects become larger and more complex. It’s imperative that you have an infrastructure in place that can grow with the demand. OpenAI’s ability to scale when usage increases is a key factor to its success. open ai has some great features

Contextual, multilingual, and summaries: ChatGPT’s Key Features

Chat GPT has the capability to understand the context of a conversion in order to provide more accurate and realistic responses. By analysing a number of previous messages, ChatGPT will then identify the topic & provide relevant ideas for you to reply with.

ChatGPT has the ability to not only understand, but it’s also able to respond in multiple languages. Overcoming language barriers & facilitating conversations between people who speak different languages has become one of ChatGPT’s most popular features.

ChatGPT can integrate with knowledge bases in order to provide more accurate information to the user. This feature is often used when a user needs solutions to much more complex questions. Industries which commonly make use of knowledge base integration include healthcare & finance, where accurate information is essential.

ChatGPT can automatically condense large amounts of information, making it much easier to digest as a user. By analysing the content & the key points within the data, ChatGPT will be able to create a summary that captures all of the most important information, thus improving readability for the end user. This feature is one of my personal favourites due to the impact on time saving and efficiency.

As you may or may not know, ChatGPT is of course a very powerful language model with a huge range of advanced features which many users are still to utilise.

check out the key features of chat gpt

AI models are great… but be warned!

Whether you’re in marketing, customer service, finance or e-commerce, ChatGPT can provide you with countless ways to improve efficiency. However, you must understand the well-known pilot analogy when it comes to AI.

Modern-day aeroplanes are some of the most technologically advanced machines that we have today. Hundreds, if not thousands of engineers are tasked with making parts and developing new systems which improve a plane’s efficiency. That being said, out of the one hundred thousand flights which take place almost every day, every single one of them needs a highly educated expert, i.e a pilot to take off & land safely. Despite planes having the ability to fly on autopilot for hours at a time, a manual process is still the number one priority.

This is the same when it comes to AI, despite the fact that these tools have extremely useful capabilities, It is still essential that real-life intelligence takes priority over artificial intelligence in order to make the most out of the tools themselves.

Four step comparison

ChatGPT OpenAI API/Platform
Accessibility User-friendly web interface, ideal for end-users and individuals. API and SDK for developers, allowing integration into various applications and services.
Customisation Limited customisation; mainly offers preset functionalities and responses. High customisation, enabling developers to fine-tune models and create bespoke AI solutions.
Ease of Use Designed for ease of use with straightforward interaction and limited setup. Requires some technical knowledge to implement and utilise effectively.
Functionality Focused on providing conversational AI interactions. Supports a wide range of functionalities beyond conversation, including text analysis, generation, and more.

comparing ai models

Pros & cons of both platforms

ChatGPT OpenAI API/Platform
Pros Easy to use, no setup required, readily available through a web interface. Highly customisable, extensive capabilities, suitable for complex applications.
Cons Less customisable, primarily conversational. Requires technical knowledge, potentially higher costs for advanced features.

So, which is better? OpenAI or ChatGPT

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to which is better. However, my personal opinion sides with OpenAI due to the fact that its capabilities for larger businesses far outweigh that of ChatGPT.

If you have in-house developers and you like the look of one or more of OpenAI’s pre-trained models, you’re able to fine-tune the model so that it caters specifically to your industry. And as your business grows, these models are already equipped to handle the increase in demand.

On the other hand, ChatGPT’s features rely heavily on expert prompting and are primarily used for B2C use to enhance personal efficiency.

so which ai model is best?

The professor or the whizz kid – which AI platform will you choose?

In a world where AI is either your friendly helper or the next step toward Skynet, this blog dove into the riveting debate: OpenAI vs. ChatGPT.

Think of OpenAI as the brilliant but mysterious professor who can invent new worlds, while ChatGPT is the super-smart, chatty student who always has something to say about everything—whether you ask for it or not.

OpenAI is like the AI parent who grounds ChatGPT when it makes a mistake (which happens about as often as cats dominate the internet). Ultimately, both are fantastic in their own way—like choosing between a multi-functional Swiss Army knife or a trusty sidekick who’s always there to lend an ear (or, in this case, a pixel). Whichever you prefer, just be sure to keep your expectations in check and your sense of humour handy!

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