The Perfect Digital Marketing CV Example – How to Get a Job in Digital Marketing With Less Than 2 Years Experience

Why Do People Want To Work in Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is an exciting, and fast-paced field of work. Whether you’re in social media, SEO, or web design, each and every facet of the industry is always evolving as new technologies and platforms emerge. As digital marketers, it’s important that we stay on the cutting edge; there are always new ways to develop and improve our practice.

When you have been working in digital marketing for 1-2 years, you hit a key point in your working life where you can really decide the trajectory of your career. It’s important to feel as though you are in a workplace that supports your development.

It is for this reason, among many others, that some people may look for new opportunities in digital marketing at this stage. But being such an exciting industry, it can be a very competitive market for candidates looking for entry-level to midweight positions.

We’ve gathered some useful tips and tricks, including examples from CVs, that will help you to maximise your chances of being successful in your job search!

It’s all about highlighting that what you have learned in your current or past positions is transferable, and can be applied to a new role.

What Are The Skills Required To Work In Digital Marketing?

Before we get into the specifics of building up your experience and working on your CV, it’s important to remember the skills that are needed to work in digital marketing.

At Embryo, we have a team of highly skilled digital marketing professionals, all from a wide variety of backgrounds. Whilst technical skills are something that can be taught (to a certain degree), being the right people-fit cannot. What really matters is that you’ll be able to work well within a new team, and have the right personal qualities. These may include:

Able to keep up to date with trends
Attention to detail
Passionate about the industry
Eager to learn

Try to keep these core qualities in mind when working on all stages of a job search or application.

You can highlight the qualities listed above by going the extra mile before you even touch your CV.

Going the Extra Mile When Applying For Jobs

Be active on Linkedin

The hiring process continues to shift, and keeping on top of your Linkedin is becoming increasingly important. Employers are turning more and more to the platform in order to look for the right people to join their businesses. It’s also a great resource to link to on your CV.

Be sure to add all of your relevant skills and experience to your Linkedin profile and start connecting with people in the industry. Following and engaging with the right people on Linkedin is a great way to build up your network and get you spotted by potential employers.

Sharing interesting content and your own thoughts on relevant industry topics shows potential employers that you are on top of industry trends, and engaged in the digital marketing sphere.

Many agencies will always be on the lookout for new talent. If you have a particular agency that you’d like to work at in mind, be sure to follow their page and engage with their posts.

Write a Blog

Writing a blog is a great way to show that you’re passionate about the industry you want to work in.

Keep the topics you write about relevant to your chosen discipline. For example, if you’re looking to get into social media marketing, you might want to discuss the latest Instagram trends or which social media platform is best to reach a certain demographic.

Check out the rest of our blogs for some inspiration.


Build your own online following

If you’re looking to further your career in paid social and are concerned that you lack professional experience, why not try working on your own social media presence? For example, creating TikTok content in an attempt to build a following would be a great way to show that you’re creative, proactive, and have a good knowledge of the platform.

Online Courses

There are a wide variety of free online courses and tutorials on all things digital marketing. Take a look at a few examples here.

Whilst they won’t teach you everything that you need to know, online courses are a great way to learn the basics or brush up on your existing skills. It also shows a potential employer that you’re actively seeking out new knowledge.

Anything that you have done that may make you stand out will be an asset. Maybe you’ve worked on your own E-Commerce site, helped out a family business with their digital marketing, or perhaps even started a business of your own during lockdown. If it displays one of the core qualities listed above, you should be shouting about it on your Linkedin and CV. This brings us to our next topic…

How Do I Write a CV For Digital Marketing?

There is no set formula to a good CV, and what each agency or organisation values the most will vary, but this structure will certainly help you to form the basis of a CV that converts!

Name and Contact Details.

This is pretty self-explanatory! Your personal details should ideally go at the top of your CV.

Open with a personal statement

This is your space to talk about yourself and summarise why you’re right for the job. Keep it to the point and impactful.

For example: ‘Creative Digital Marketing Professional with 1 years experience in account management. Looking to build on my experience of working with £100k accounts B2B and B2C clients in an agency environment.’

Work Experience

Work experience should always fall above the education section of your CV in terms of both content hierarchy and structure.

Try to list your work experience with a few key points detailing your main responsibilities and any skills that you gained from each position. Your most recent, or current position should have the most in-depth explanation, with the rest of your work experience being a little shorter.

It’s best to avoid sweeping statements. For example, don’t just say ‘this job made me realise that I was passionate about digital marketing’. Be sure to explain when, where, why, and how you have demonstrated each skill or quality.

A good digital marketing CV example for this would be:

‘I am incredibly passionate about social media marketing, in particular, the balance of strategy and creativity that makes a great campaign. (WHY) I first discovered this passion during my voluntary position at my local learning centre, where I acted as their Social Media Manager (WHERE) in 2016 (WHEN.) I was in charge of thinking of new and creative ways to advertise across Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin, and was responsible for scheduling and overseeing all of their organic posting.’ (HOW)

Education History

List your education history below your work experience. If you have a degree, be sure to pull out any relevant modules studied, or skills gained where appropriate.


If you have taken any courses or gained any additional qualifications, be sure to list these on your CV beneath your education history.


person writing a digital marketing cv


Making Your CV Stand Out

As well as the standard CV content, there are a few other pieces of information you can include in order to strengthen your application.

Clients/industries you’ve worked in

You don’t necessarily have to list the client by name, but giving the industries that you’ve worked in is a great way to demonstrate the experience that you can bring to the table.

If you’re applying for a specific job, take a look at the agency’s website. Have they listed clients in any industries that you have worked in, and can draw experience from? If so, be sure to include this information in your CV or cover letter!

Facts and figures

Any way that you can demonstrate that you are driven to provide the best results for your client and business is a sure-fire way to help you stand out. Be sure to include examples of measurable results where possible.

Eg – ‘Within my first month at X Agency, I increased my client’s ROAS from a 2.3 to a 6.1’, or ‘My client was originally working on a £3k monthly budget, but being impressed with how my ads were performing, upped this to £5k monthly budget’

You can also highlight the size of the accounts or clients that you have worked on previously. Eg – ‘I have experience in working on £100k+ client accounts.’

Relevant Links

Be sure to include a link to your Linkedin, as well as your blog, E-Com site etc where relevant.


So, what next?

It’s now time to actively apply!

Be confident, and remember that at this stage in your career, you aren’t expected to know everything. What matters is that you are willing and eager to learn.

Here at Embryo, we’re always on the lookout for new talent. You can check out our current job openings here.

Any questions, feel free to reach out via our contact us page.



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