Content Marketing Roundup For June 2019

Every writer has their own style, but we can all benefit from the tips, guidance and advice that gets shared and circulated throughout the industry every month. Here’s a quick roundup of recent content marketing blog posts and articles that the team here at Embryo have found useful, and that we think you will too. 

Drive Real Content Marketing Results With These Expert Tips (

  • Use Facebook Engagement Strategies For Promotion.
  • Build a Content Experience Framework to Drive Engagement and Revenue.
  • Audit Your Site With Alternate SEO Tools.
  • Fill Your Editorial Calendar with Relevant Topics.
  • Refresh Your Image as a Business


10 Tips From Best-Selling Authors That Will Polish Your Content



  1. Remove everything that’s not part of the story — John Gould’s counsel to Stephen King.
  2. Read. Read everything you can lay hands on — several authors including Stephen King, Lee Child, and Michael Moorcock.
  3. Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very’ — Mark Twain.
  4. I know ($10 words) all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use — Ernest Hemingway.
  5. The road to hell is paved with adverbs — Stephen King.
  6. Never use the passive voice where you can use the active — George Orwell.
  7. Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke — F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  8. I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead — Mark Twain.
  9. Easy books contain lots of short paragraphs – including dialogue paragraphs which may only be a word or two long – and lots of white space… — Stephen King.
  10. You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club — Jack London.

11 Content Marketing Tips To Make You Win

  1. Explain ‘How Search Results Work’ to Your Writers.
  2. How Panda Survey Helps?
  3. Lengthy Videos Can Be Given a Miss.
  4. Looking Beyond Comparisons.
  5. Keep It Relevant.
  6. Keep Your Content Fresh.
  7. Lead the Search With the Problem.
  8. Tap Sources of Inspiration.
  9. Separate the Analysts and Content Marketers.
  10. Never Mind the Yoast SEO Greenlight.
  11. The More Your Brand is Mentioned…

How to Turn Customers into Fans – 5 Tips for Successful Content Marketing


  1. Long-Term Customer Loyalty Through Emotional Solidarity.
  2. Change of Perspective from Product to Customer.
  3. Increase Virality Through Shareable Content.
  4. Community Building as a Successful Formula for More Customer Loyalty.
  5. Create Connecting Points Through Storytelling

The content team encourages you to read these blogs to find out more!


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