Round-Up: SEO (April 2023)

Welcome to another edition of the Round-Up where we cover everything that matters in various sectors of the marketing industry, today we’re briefing you on all the important SEO news from the past few weeks. Here at Embryo, we’re always looking out for news and updates on how things are moving and shaking in the digital industry and we think the least we can do is share it with you guys!

In this post, we’re giving you a quick, bite-sized roundup of the most important SEO news stories that have come up in the last few weeks. To find out more, keep reading or get in touch with our team on 0161 327 2635 or email [email protected] to hear about how our SEO team is staying ahead of the curve.

So, without messing about, let’s get into it!

That’s it for now folks, but to learn more about any of these, or to get started breathing new life into your SEO campaigns, get in touch with the Embryo team!


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