Organic Department Round Up

Whilst SEO is famed for being a “slower burn” than other channels, November has proved to be a quick-moving and change-heavy month for the Organic department here at Embryo – read on to see what we’ve been up to!

Another Month, Another Update…

Typically in the SEO world, we can expect to undergo two Core Algorithm Updates from Google in the space of a year. However, this year Google has really decided to keep us on our toes by rolling out their fourth Core Algorithm Update in November.

This is the third consecutive month of algorithm updates, having undergone one in September and another in October.

Why could this be? We’ve been theorising that Google (in rare form) has been making mistakes with their rollouts, causing innocent and harmless websites to be impacted unnecessarily with their “crackdown” on helpful content. Each concurrent update seems to be trying to fix this, but like a sick whack-a-mole situation, each update seems to uncover a new issue.

So, what does this mean for us? It means we’re keeping a closer eye than ever on our clients’ performance to ensure we can act quickly on any ranking changes, but thanks to our wonder-brain Shona Worsman all of the content we produce is pretty bullet-proof in the eyes of an algorithm update.

A Fresh Approach to Client Strategies

Over the last couple of months, I and our Delivery Director Mark McGonigle have been preparing the team with a new set of processes & templates that will revamp the way we approach and think about SEO strategies for our clients. With the end of the year now in sight, we’re approaching the finish line for these and the whole team are busy polishing off their new client strategies for the new year.

Has this process been simple and pain-free? No, like any change, it takes some effort to get the wheels moving, but I know it will pay off in dividends. I can’t tell you how excited I am to roll these out in the new year as we continue to evolve as a department and bring our service offerings to a new level. Massive shoutout to the entire team for getting this over the line!

Remembering The Fundamentals

Google has come out recently to emphasise to SEOs that they shouldn’t be getting swept up in the “latest” SEO trends and instead focus on the fundamentals, which includes good Technical SEO.

I have a strong background in Technical SEO, so I have been imparting my wisdom to the SEOs in the department to ensure we’ve all got laser-focus on what’s going to deliver results for our clients, and not getting bogged down in the “fancy” SEO trends.

Content Delivering Quickly – A Reminder

Regardless of the industry you work in, if your website doesn’t have good-quality, helpful content, you’re not going to get performance.

As a nice reminder of this, below is an Impression graph from Google Search Console for one of our client’s core search terms after uploading their first piece of content with us (p.s. The client operates in the YMYL sector):

seo results nov

Not bad, eh? Massive props to the Content team for delivering such impactful work!

Not a quiet month by any means, but a fun and exciting one for sure. Roll on December!


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