The history of ‘Just Do It’ – Nike’s longest-running campaign

Whether you’re an athlete, a Sunday morning jogger or simply someone who loves the cosiness of a Nike hoodie, you’ll have come across the iconic ‘Just Do It’ slogan.

And even if you’re not a Nike fan, you can’t deny that those three words are everywhere. From billboards and YouTube ads to your local shopping centre, this tagline was and still is one of the most effective marketing campaigns of all time.

Keen to discover the story behind ‘Just Do It’? In this blog, we explore the history of the campaign, as well as the reason behind its continued success.

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In a rush? Here’s the campaign at a glance

  • When: Created in 1988 to accompany Nike’s first major television campaign
  • Who: Wieden+Kennedy were, and still are, an advertising agency (originally based in Portland, Oregan)
  • What: An advertising slogan that was designed to have a universal appeal
  • Why: Nike had decided that it was time to reach a larger audience, pivoting away from the product and towards a lifestyle brand

The ‘Just Do It’ campaign: A quick history lesson

discover the history of just do it

Given the global phenomenon that this campaign was to become, it’s hard to imagine that the tagline was no more than a rushed addition to a TV advert. It’s even harder to believe that the words themselves were inspired by the final words of Gary Gilmore, a convicted murderer: ‘Let’s do it!’.

Dan Wieden, founder of Wieden+Kennedy, looks back at this moment: ‘In reviewing the work the night before the client presentation, I felt we needed a tagline to give some unity to the work, one that spoke to the hardest hardcore athletes as well as those talking up a morning walk’ (source).

Perhaps not the most romantic origin story, but after all, it was just a throw-away line…

Cut to nearly 40 years later and the ‘Just Do It’ slogan continues to resonate with a wide and varied audience.

More than just a slogan? Why did this campaign make such an impact?

If the aim is to inspire people, sometimes the simplest message can have the biggest response. And the ‘Just Do It’ tagline did exactly that. It’s direct, timeless, empowering and easy to remember.

It’s also relatable, which is the foundation of Nike as a brand. The first TV campaign featured a diverse range of people (not athletes), from children to the elderly, making it just as accessible as it was inspirational.

The below campaign highlight features Walt Stack, an 80-year-old construction worker who ran across the Golden Gate Bridge every day:

This theme continues to run through Nike’s many marketing campaigns, including 2018 ‘Dream Crazy’ and 2022 ‘Play New’. They are slightly different campaigns with slightly different messages of empowerment, but tied together by this idea of taking action, making them recognisably ‘Nike’.

You could say that the famous swoosh logo and the ‘Just Do It’ slogan are one of the same…

How has the campaign continued to evolve?

Since its creation in 1988, ‘Just Do It’ has managed to adapt to ever-changing social and cultural contexts, while staying true to its core message.

So, what’s the secret?

Storytelling that taps into your emotions

As any content marketing expert will tell you, a slogan or message needs to connect to an audience on an emotional level. In other words, your customers should feel invested in you as a brand, not just because of what you’re selling but because of what you stand for.

Why this is an effective strategy: Without getting too technical, the phrase ‘just do it’ evokes an image of personal achievement. Coupled with individual stories of triumph and resilience, this is a campaign that slots right into the everyday.

High-profile collaborations

Despite the push for being relatable as both a product and a brand, Nike is also known for its strategic use of celebrity endorsements. Over the years, the activewear company has collaborated with a long list of cultural icons, including:

  • Michael Jordan
  • Serena Williams
  • Cristiano Ronaldo
  • LeBron James
  • Megan Rapinoe

Why this is an effective strategy: By working with high-profile athletes who resemble the brand, have a sizeable following and are culturally relevant, Nike is able to expand its community by engaging with a wider audience demographic.

serena williams is one of many nike athletes

Social media engagement

Take a quick glance at Nike’s Instagram page. The ‘Just Do It’ campaign is everywhere, without necessarily needing the slogan itself (although that is still used on occasion).

And that’s the point. The campaign’s legacy is such that audiences are able to connect with this message through the content itself, whether that’s through the determined face of an Olympic athlete, a motivational quote or a new trainer release.

nike use social media to push their just do it message

The use of social media is central to Nike’s brand ethos and community engagement. Employing various marketing tactics, including user-generated content and influencer partnerships, ‘Just Do It’ is felt in an organic and authentic way.

There’s no need to push it.

Why this is an effective strategy: The trick is subtlety. By integrating this core message into varied and fresh content, without seeming overly commercial, users are more likely to buy into the brand identity. Even better, having started as a campaign to build a community, the slogan has now been adopted by Nike’s audience and taken on a whole new meaning (see below…).

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