Jan 2020 Embryo Index Winners

The list of Embryo Index winners in the month of January 2020 are now available to see in the table on this page.

Big winners include Mobica, BGN, Howards & Henry’s, and Sabz LLP who have done amazingly well! Overall 2nd placed Peninsula had a solid month, as did current overall leaders, NCC Group.

Company Code Sector Movement Previous New Score
Mobica BICA Technology 201.31 577.08 778.39
BGN Agency BGNA Digital 164.43 495.68 660.11
Howards & Henry’s HWDS Legal 152.91 62.22 215.13
Sabz LLP SABZ Legal 149.35 28.25 177.6
Temperley Taylor TTSH Legal 96.7 130.05 226.75
AWH Solicitors AWHS Legal 96.62 463.83 560.45
Peninsula PENI Services 82.9 2107.86 2190.76
Robert Lizar ROLI Legal 82.3 158.4 240.7
Core Talent CRTT Recruitment 75 129.05 204.05
GLP Solicitors GLPS Legal 71 83.5 154.5
Ward Hadaway WARD Legal 69.8 790.65 860.45
Four Recruitment FRRT Recruitment 64.29 62.89 127.18
AO AOLG Retail 64.25 1458.25 1522.5
BPS Law Manchester BPSL Legal 60.35 75.15 135.5
Fatsoma SOMA Technology 58.69 1401.63 1460.32
Oliver James OLIJ Recruitment 52.32 539.44 591.76
Orchard Recruitment ORCH Recruitment 49.05 551.98 601.03
C & R Properties CANR Property 47.35 135.1 182.45
Bott and Co BOTT Legal 45.63 732.24 777.87
Chess CHES Technology 45.59 1076.67 1122.26
Kaytons KAYT Property 44.51 232.52 277.03
Forward Role FORW Recruitment 44.35 540.97 585.32
Julian Wadden JWAD Property 42.75 354.5 397.25
LDEX Group LDEX Technology 38.2 220.75 258.95
Access Pay APAY Technology 38.2 479 517.2
Optimal Solicitors OPLS Legal 37.1 401.35 438.45
Interact TERA Technology 33.11 761.12 794.23
Embryo Digital EMBR Digital 32.86 584.53 617.39
NCC Group NCCG Technology 32.85 2176.3 2209.15
Bright HR BRHR Services 31.57 910.07 941.64
Davis Blank Furniss DBFL Legal 30.45 468.6 499.05
Alexander & Co ALCO Finance 30.35 325.73 356.08
Big Cloud Recruitment BCRT Recruitment 25.25 232.21 257.46
Affinity Seven Law ASLS Legal 25.05 170.3 195.35
Amanda Cunliffe AMCU Legal 24.8 164.55 189.35
Salam & Co SLMS Legal 24.33 182.88 207.21
MediaCity MCTY Events 22.45 1394.35 1416.8
Pareto Law PARE Recruitment 21.15 1378.8 1399.95
Jordan Fishwick JFSH Property 20.45 545.03 565.48
Nayyars Solicitors NAYS Legal 19.5 197.65 217.15
Martin & Co MART Legal 19.2 197.15 216.35
Weightmans WEIG Legal 19.07 1305.68 1324.75
Foundation Recruitment FOUN Recruitment 18.65 237.61 256.26
Social Chain SOCI Digital 17.85 1104.85 1122.7
BLM Law BLML Legal 17.4 784.15 801.55
Whitefield Solicitor WFDS Legal 16.95 109.5 126.45
Quay Property QUAY Property 16.65 252.2 268.85
Apadmi APAD Technology 16.55 683.65 700.2
Carter Law CRTL Legal 16.4 202.5 218.9
Zuto ZUTO Technology 16.4 768.35 784.75
Clear Law CLEA Legal 15.9 233.4 249.3
i-teachers ITEA Recruitment 15.8 182.15 197.95
David Andrews DANW Property 15.65 140.65 156.3
ESP Recruitment ESPR Recruitment 15.5 128.25 143.75
myerson MYER Legal 15.46 899.31 914.77
Adalta ADLT Recruitment 14.6 144.9 159.5
Linda Taylors LDTR Recruitment 14.07 101.45 115.52
Aspire Recruitment ASPR Recruitment 13.85 215.48 229.33
Latimer Lee LLSL Legal 13.69 124.82 138.51
Reason Digital REAS Technology 12.75 456.91 469.66
Realty Management RMGT Property 12.5 136.85 149.35
Versus Law VRSL Legal 11.8 194.14 205.94
Formisimo MISI Technology 11.45 436.7 448.15
Quill QILL Legal 11.4 272.87 284.27
Thornley Groves TNGV Property 10.99 402.32 413.31
Silverdale Law SLVR Legal 10.85 196.75 207.6
Abbey Solicitors ABYS Legal 10.65 155.3 165.95
First Law Solicitors FSTL Legal 10.57 174.06 184.63
Madina MADI Property 10.35 172.45 182.8
Baker Chase BACH Legal 10 169.65 179.65
Knight Knox KNOX Property 10 452.05 462.05
KJG KJGL Finance 9.6 511.1 520.7
Butcher & Barlow BBAR Legal 9.5 287.75 297.25
ANS ANSG Technology 9.45 1430.37 1439.82
Kaye Mackenzie KAYM Property 9.18 93.03 102.21
Salehs Solicitors SALH Legal 9 134.9 143.9
Alexander Hancock ADHK Recruitment 8.87 209.48 218.35
Hall Liddy Accountants HLDY Finance 8.85 13 21.85
Madisons MDSN Finance 8.5 38.12 46.62
Cardwells CARD Property 8.48 327.07 335.55
Get Recruited GTRD Recruitment 8.3 258.3 266.6
Aequitas Legal AEQL Legal 8.25 199.4 207.65
Burton Copeland BURT Legal 8.1 317.75 325.85
Wren Properties WREN Property 7.65 214.2 221.85
AST Hampsons ASTH Legal 7.6 140.95 148.55
Luxe To Kill LUXE Fashion 7.5 398.9 406.4
Global Teacher Recruitment GBTR Recruitment 7.15 23 30.15
Axon Moore AXMR Recruitment 7.1 155.25 162.35
RealityMine MINE Technology 7 176.1 183.1
George Adams GAMS Property 6.95 160.2 167.15
Red Cow REDC Digital 6.74 213.8 220.54
Alfred Newton ALFN Legal 6.55 146.5 153.05
JMR Solicitors JMRS Legal 6.54 236.38 242.92
Bannister Preston BNPS Legal 6.35 253.7 260.05
Tunafish TUNA Marketing 6.32 778.08 784.4
Time Recruitment TMRT Recruitment 6.3 292.16 298.46
Arshed & Co ARCO Legal 6.15 141.5 147.65
UtiliGroup UTIL Technology 6.1 356 362.1
Crawfords CWGS Finance 6.05 41.01 47.06
Paul Darnborough PDBS Legal 6.05 113.16 119.21
Clearview Solicitors CLVS Legal 6.01 176.82 182.83
Cole Associates COLE Finance 5.85 26.3 32.15
Graham Coffey COFF Legal 5.8 254.35 260.15
Wax Digital WAXD Technology 5.7 384.76 390.46
OBI Property OBIP Property 5.62 369.86 375.48
Tech Manchester THMC Technology 5.15 249.8 254.95
Platinum Recruitment PLAT Recruitment 5.05 216.25 221.3
North Ainley NRAS Legal 4.92 195.69 200.61
Harold Stock & Co HSCS Legal 4.9 197.42 202.32
Airtime Rewards AIRR Technology 4.87 35.85 40.72
The Estate Agent Manchester TEAM Property 4.66 143.48 148.14
tmfortis TMFO Legal 4.65 208.85 213.5
Jefferies Solicitors JFRS Legal 4.49 226.7 231.19
Steam Haus HAUS Technology 4.45 189.9 194.35
Callaghans CLGH Property 4.37 128.92 133.29
Contact Recuitment CTRT Recruitment 4.35 109.25 113.6
Sarah Dixon and Co SDCS Legal 4.3 147.3 151.6
Re Legal RELG Recruitment 4.2 17.55 21.75
Abacus Law ABAC Legal 4.15 186.94 191.09
Clear Building Management CBMT Property 4.05 160.3 164.35
Godel Technologies GODE Technology 4.05 272.59 276.64
Barlow White BARW Property 3.81 152.69 156.5
WTB Solicitors WTBS Legal 3.8 306.25 310.05
Semilliam SMLM Finance 3.75 182.25 186
Lloyd Piggott LPGT Finance 3.66 152.09 155.75
Prestige Solicitors PRES Legal 3.6 124.5 128.1
Jon Mellor JONM Property 3.6 207.6 211.2
Kingsley Adams KIAD Recruitment 3.5 11 14.5
Lewis Phipps LPHP Property 3.45 97.2 100.65
Gnatta ATTA Technology 3.45 257.09 260.54
Brian Barr BBRS Legal 3.31 268.1 271.41
Accounting Solutions ACSL Finance 3.3 20.05 23.35
Courmacs COUR Legal 3.3 96.25 99.55
MCR Solicitors MCRS Legal 3.3 157.35 160.65
Axis Solicitors AXSS Legal 3.25 23.43 26.68
The Accountancy People APPL Finance 3.2 143.65 146.85
KBL Solicitors KBLS Legal 3.2 236.44 239.64
Brunskill BRUN Legal 3.1 18.7 21.8
Zenith Management ZENP Property 3.05 24.55 27.6
The Manchester Estate Agent TMEA Property 3.05 151.74 154.79
Maurice Kilbride MAUK Property 3 183 186
Purple Wifi WIFI Technology 2.95 883.05 886
Briscombe, Nutter & Staff BNAS Property 2.9 194.55 197.45
Tree Accountancy TREA Finance 2.85 120.7 123.55
Lyons Wilson LYOW Legal 2.75 136.7 139.45
Lawrence Copeland LAWC Property 2.7 252 254.7
Otten Penna & Co OTTP Legal 2.65 96.5 99.15
Ryan Solicitors RYAN Legal 2.6 26.25 28.85
Leech & Co LECH Legal 2.6 127.9 130.5
The Rose Partnership TRPS Legal 2.6 162.9 165.5
Sorted group SORT Technology 2.58 248.91 251.49
Howarth Goodman HWGM Legal 2.55 95 97.55
Judge Properties JDPT Property 2.54 140.51 143.05
R&A Solicitors RASO Legal 2.5 130.27 132.77
Athena Law ATHL Legal 2.45 148.1 150.55
LLM Solicitors LLMS Legal 2.4 10.11 12.51
Barnfather BNFS Legal 2.4 13.45 15.85
Ozon Solicitors OZON Legal 2.4 170.35 172.75
Williamson & Croft WCRO Finance 2.4 515.34 517.74
Agile Recruitment AGRT Recruitment 2.35 158.15 160.5
Taylor Price TYPS Legal 2.3 147.65 149.95
MWG Solicitors MWGS Legal 2.25 164.55 166.8
DTE Business Advisers DTEB Finance 2.16 72.21 74.37
Apex Computing APEX Technology 2.15 391.54 393.69
Chadwick & Company CDWK Finance 2.11 196.74 198.85
Prospero Accounting PPRO Finance 2.05 20.87 22.92
Amin & Co AMNC Finance 2.03 146.57 148.6
Sedulo SEDU Finance 1.96 851.53 853.49
Just Law Solicitors JUST Legal 1.95 132.75 134.7
Linten LINT Technology 1.95 445.82 447.77
O’Neill Morgan ONEI Legal 1.9 120.4 122.3
Imaan Solicitors IMNS Legal 1.85 7.93 9.78
Old Royle Wealth Management ORYL Finance 1.85 176.75 178.6
Sadiq Metcalfe & Co SMFE Finance 1.75 11.07 12.82
Curtis Law CTSL Legal 1.75 154.76 156.51
Recruitment Panda RCPD Recruitment 1.71 78.86 80.57
Kingtons KING Property 1.63 180.14 181.77
Gowing Law GOWL Legal 1.56 226.68 228.24
Peasegoods Solicitors PSGD Legal 1.54 129.76 131.3
Food Careers FDCR Recruitment 1.5 39.95 41.45
Appleton Gerrard AGRD Finance 1.5 90.05 91.55
Essential Solicitors ESTS Legal 1.5 129.25 130.75
BooHoo BOOH Fashion 1.5 1712.5 1714
Harry Boodhoo HBOO Legal 1.45 108.1 109.55
Progressive Solicitors PRGS Legal 1.45 165.75 167.2
Portman Recruitment PORT Recruitment 1.45 168.6 170.05
Ashcott Solicitors ASHC Legal 1.4 171.66 173.06
TEN Legal TNLS Legal 1.39 14.05 15.44
Touch Solicitors TOUC Legal 1.35 6.5 7.85
Peter Anthony PANT Property 1.34 294.03 295.37
Stripes Solicitors STRI Legal 1.3 132.5 133.8
Higgins Miller HIGG Legal 1.25 148.77 150.02
Mendelsons Solicitors MDLS Legal 1.22 184.1 185.32
Bhandari & Co BNDR Finance 1.2 8.35 9.55
Scullard & Co SCLD Finance 1.2 171.21 172.41
FoodEng Recruitment FDRT Recruitment 1.15 10.08 11.23
Infinity LLP INFY Finance 1.15 40.05 41.2
Thornhills THRN Legal 1.15 133.2 134.35
Rullion RULL Recruitment 1.11 770.76 771.87
Alastair Walmsley Consultancy AWCL Finance 1.05 8.6 9.65
Ellison and Thomas ELTS Legal 1.05 14.2 15.25
RMB Solicitors RMBS Legal 1.05 121.56 122.61
Flax & Co FLAX Property 1.05 140.75 141.8
Fabrik Games BRIK Technology 1.04 62.81 63.85
Ashwood Solicitors ASHS Legal 1 247.65 248.65
Mikhael Law MKLS Legal 0.99 163.08 164.07
The Loop Manchester LOOP Technology 0.95 53.65 54.6
Zia & Co ZIAC Finance 0.95 111.35 112.3
QC Legal QCLG Recruitment 0.95 171.8 172.75
Aurelius Legal ARLL Recruitment 0.9 157.75 158.65
Warr & Co WRCO Finance 0.9 215.42 216.32
Jack Ross Chartered Accountancy JRSA Finance 0.9 307.46 308.36
CWP CWPA Finance 0.86 181.11 181.97
Digital Bridge DGBR Technology 0.86 287.77 288.63
Cube Accountants CUBA Finance 0.85 225.04 225.89
Acumension ACMN Legal 0.8 16.6 17.4
Everetts Accountants EVRT Finance 0.75 9.6 10.35
Barrette Accountants BRTE Finance 0.7 9.8 10.5
Mellor Solicitors MLRS Legal 0.7 12.61 13.31
Percy Westhead & Company PWST Finance 0.7 17.55 18.25
GHW Solicitors GHWS Legal 0.7 137.2 137.9
Hill Dickinson HDIC Legal 0.67 967.19 967.86
Moffatts Chartered Accountants MFTA Finance 0.65 99.3 99.95
Allen Mills Howard Accountancy AMHW Finance 0.6 11.85 12.45
Actis Legal ATLL Recruitment 0.6 34.15 34.75
Lowick Mckay LKMS Legal 0.6 61.4 62
AR Associates ARAS Finance 0.6 161.2 161.8
NK Law NKLW Legal 0.6 219.25 219.85
Bakers Solicitors BKRS Legal 0.55 146.73 147.28
Integra Solicitors INTG Legal 0.5 120.25 120.75
Bridge Law BRDG Legal 0.47 178 178.47
Joyya Law Associates JYLA Legal 0.45 10.75 11.2
Slade & Cooper SLAD Finance 0.45 33.21 33.66
RH Law RHLW Legal 0.45 162.3 162.75
Murphy Thompson Moore LLP MTMR Finance 0.45 177.27 177.72
MRJ Recruitment MRJR Recruitment 0.45 230.48 230.93
Potter Rees Dolan PRDN Legal 0.45 271.06 271.51
Finlay James FINJ Recruitment 0.34 293.68 294.02
Boeing & Wise BOEI Legal 0.3 119.85 120.15
Nurbhai & Co NRBI Finance 0.3 122.85 123.15
Joseph Daniel Solicitors JDSL Legal 0.3 159.35 159.65
Zen Law ZENL Legal 0.29 139.27 139.56
CTP CTPL Property 0.25 68.2 68.45
MWA Accounting MWAA Finance 0.2 8.21 8.41
Bourne Recruitment BRRT Recruitment 0.2 9.25 9.45
Brodie & Co BROD Legal 0.2 92 92.2
Marley Wright Recruitment MWTR Recruitment 0.15 6.45 6.6
Mark Wolfe & Co MWLF Finance 0.15 6.7 6.85
Potential Recruitment PTRT Recruitment 0.15 27.4 27.55
MCC Accountants MCCA Finance 0.15 250 250.15
Connections Recruitment CNRT Recruitment 0.1 213.41 213.51
In Touch Recruitment ITRT Recruitment 0.05 13.03 13.08
Mortons Solicitors MOTN Legal 0.05 274.57 274.62
Response Tap RTAP Technology 0.05 421.59 421.64


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