This Week’s Most Shared SEO Guides

SEO is a wide-ranging, broad, and sometimes confusing field. People working in the digital space approach the subject with a lot of different motivations, experience and knowledge, so it can be difficult to know how to use SEO to suit your specific needs. That’s why we’ve taken a look at this week’s most shared online SEO guides to filter through and find some of the best articles on the subject.

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to SEO By Buffer

For those looking to start from the ground up, Buffer have a great beginner’s guide for people new to SEO. The guide covers all of the basics, starting with search engines and how they work, think and behave. It takes a look at the ways search engines interact with your location, social networks, devices and more, in order to establish a profile of you and show you the results it thinks you want. The guide then goes on to explore the foundations of how we use SEO to optimise our websites, research keywords and build links to try and shape the flow of results in our favour. Overall, a great guide that’s recommended for anybody who has heard the term SEO before, but whose expertise ends just about there! Check it out here.

The Advanced Guide To SEO By Quicksprout

On the more advanced end of the SEO spectrum, we love this guide from Quicksprout. This is exactly what it sounds like: a guide for people who have a solid grip on the basics of SEO elements like link building and data research, but who want more. Split into nine chapters, covering everything from indexation and WordPress to keyword research and verticals, The Advanced Guide To SEO is thorough and extensive with enough content for an ambitious new SEO to really get their teeth into.

The One-Hour Guide To SEO: Searcher Satisfaction

Boasting over 1k shares since publication at the end of March this year, this guide from Moz is a concise and targeted offering, exploring what you can do to improve searcher satisfaction in your SEO efforts, and why you should do so. The guide looks at how to get inside your customer’s head and use a strong combination of keyword research and content to provide authoritative and comprehensive answers to their questions. The guide is available as a video or in written form, so you can digest however you like, and towards the end it offers a great little nugget: ‘Do NOT give searchers a reason to click that back button!’

A Complete Local SEO Guide For Small Businesses

If you’re a local business it can be difficult to get noticed, both in your area and out on the world wide web. If you’ve struggled online and think you could do better but don’t know how, this guide from Search Engine Watch is going to be a great place for you to start. It’s got a load of simple and easily applicable techniques that you can start using today. The guide advises you on how to get your business Google verified, as well as giving tips like making sure your contact details are consistent across your online presence, embedding Google Maps into your website, and how to optimise your tags and content for the best local keywords.

If you’re interested in finding out more about SEO, website optimisation, and how we here at Embryo can help you progress your online presence, contact us on 0161 327 2365.


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