The Importance Of Link Building For Your SEO Strategy

Linkbuilding is a technique that’s benefits a website’s SEO and is an important factor for helping to increase your search engine rankings. Implementing a link building strategy will help deliver a targeted approach to building up your authority by securing backlinks from websites that are of high quality and are relevant to your industry. A backlink is a link from a page on one website linking to another, so if someone links to your website, then you have a backlink from them.
Over time a website will naturally accumulate links over time but whether they are of good quality or not is another question. A misconception around link building is the number of links a website’s backlink profile contains because a website with 100 high quality links will still outperform a website with 1000 poor quality links. However, link building helps to ensure that a website gains more backlinks that will provide a greater impact for driving up authority as well as traffic.
Introducing a link building strategy to your website will help to provide an all-round approach helping to support any existing SEO and content activity to further boost your website’s rankings and authority, and ensuring you have a competitive advantage.
When building links it’s important to target a specific page on your website that you want to build authority to and use an anchor text that includes a keyword relevant to the content of that page. Building links is one of the primary ways that a search engine such as Google determines the relevance through its algorithm. Therefore having a good number of links pointing to your website indicates to search engines that the content is valuable. Throughout this process, conducting research into determining which pages need additional support in order to boost rankings and which keywords should be prioritised is vital to see results from carrying out this type of activity.
Some benefits of implementing a link building strategy include the following:
- Links give your website credibility, meaning search engines and users will see your website as a valuable resource that will help support both existing and future content.
- Search engines such as Google consider backlinks to be an important ranking factor which is measured against using their algorithm
- High-quality links can boost keyword rankings resulting in increased visibility and traffic going to your website.
- Links lead to higher website metrics and SEO scores
- Increased traffic from other websites linking to your own website
- Links help to increase traffic to your website
- Links can lead to higher sales and revenue opportunities