Round-Up: Paid Social (September 2023)

Navigating the ever-changing world of social media can be tough – especially when it comes to staying on top of recent trends and updates. 

I’ve put together a list of some current and vital developments in the world of social media, designed to make your life a bit easier.

At Embryo we are always keeping our finger on the pulse of paid social and the wider social media world. This understanding of the industry is one of the many reasons we’re an award winning paid social team. To learn more about us and how we can help your business get in touch by phone on 0161 327 2635 or email [email protected].

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The Most Important Paid Social Stories from the Last Month

Meta Features We’ve Been Waiting For

Reminder Ads

Reminder Ads just got an upgrade! Users already have access to Reminder Ads, enabling users to opt in for event notifications, like sales or product launches. Now, this feature is even more accessible for brands.

Reminder Ads can be effortlessly created by directly uploading creative within Ads Manager, making the process a lot more convenient. What a nifty way to keep your event top of mind.

A/B testing for Catalogue Ads

I also can’t wait to try out Meta’s A/B testing for catalogue ads; I’m sure it’ll be a game-changer for advertisers. This feature presents us with a new way to gain valuable insights into the performance of our catalogue ads.

It simplifies the process of measuring what truly resonates with the audience and takes ‘data-driven’ to a whole new level, making it easier for us to understand and optimise what truly engages our audience.

LinkedIn’s Secret to Seller Success: Generative AI

It’s no secret that LinkedIn Sales Navigator is the go-to tool for sales professionals, but LinkedIn has taken it to the next level by introducing two key Generative AI features: AI-assisted search and Account IQ which offer improved results and search prompt recommendations.

Let’s break it down. AI-assisted search may suggest searching for past customers now in new roles. Account IQ, on the other hand, simplifies account research by consolidating information from various sources into a concise summary within Sales Navigator, eliminating the need for extensive searches across multiple platforms.

Instagram Reels Get Personal With Following Filter

Yet another Reels update that brings Instagram closer to TikTok’s features.

Their latest addition is the “Following” feed within the Reels tab, allowing users to view Reels from accounts they follow. This update mirrors TikTok’s “For You” and “Following” streams. However, it may not benefit Instagram users who follow diverse accounts, as their primary interest often lies in regular posts and Stories.

While I personally stick to TikTok’s FYP, it’s positive that Instagram is providing users with the option to refine their content consumption.

What’s New in Pinterest Advertising?

Pinterest is rolling out fresh ad options. Among the notable additions are “Showcase” ads, which invite viewers to swipe through multiple cards, providing a dynamic and engaging way to showcase products or content.

Additionally, “Quiz” ads encourage user interaction and participation, fostering a deeper connection with the audience.

Pinterest has also broadened the placement options for Premiere Spotlight ads, allowing advertisers to increase their reach and impact by enabling users to swipe through branded images.

These new updates offer innovative ways for businesses to engage their audience in more creative and interactive ways.

TikTok X Billboard: Hitting All the Right Notes

A clever one from TikTok here with regards to their collaboration with Billboard. The partnership introduces a weekly Billboard chart spotlighting the platform’s top 10 trending songs. TikTok has stated the following:

“TikTok is already the world’s most powerful platform for music discovery and promotion…It therefore made perfect sense to partner with Billboard to create the TikTok Billboard Top 50 Chart. The chart gives a clear picture of the music that is being listened to on TikTok, and consequently starting to trend on DSPs and other services,”

This partnership highlights TikTok’s impact on music trends and cements its status as a music discovery powerhouse. For content creators, it’s a fresh avenue to stay updated on the latest, hottest tracks to feature in videos.

Want to Work with an Agency That Keeps up to Speed? Get in Touch

If you’re looking for an agency that has its finger on the pulse of all things social media, get in touch.

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